The CDC Admits the USA Is On the Verge of a Major Ebola Outbreak!

- The CDC Admits the USA Is On the Verge of a Major Ebola Outbreak!
by Dave Hodges,
In late July and early August, six weeks ago, I warned that we at the point of losing any hope of containing the Ebola virus and I was called a “fear-monger and I was spreading “fear-porn”. Many of my colleagues (e.g. Sheila Zilinski) were accused of the same. However, the worm has turned and the truthful media has a new partner in fear-mongering and it is the CDC.
After I published my July 30th report, United States health officials countered several similar claims by saying that they are not worried because Ebola is only transmitted through exposure to bodily fluids. In other words, the CDC was telling the truthful media to stop “spreading hysteria”. Now it is clear that the CDC is singing a different tune.
Fourteen hours before the publishing of this present article, the CDC has drawn up and released a six-page action plan on how to tackle Ebola, warning US hospitals: “now is the time to prepare“. This stern warning comes a week after the organization warned that the disease is ‘out of control’, as it has now been revealed that a CDC worker has contracted the illness. At the urging of the CDC and the U.S. government, world leaders have pledged to invest millions in health care in Liberia, where the disease is expected to rage for another 18 months at least. How far can Ebola spread in 18 months? Read on!
The CDC issued six-page Ebola “checklist”, which is designed to help healthcare workers quickly diagnose patients who may be infected, also is designed to show health care workers how to take action to protect themselves from exposure by dawning certain protective gear and doing so in a certain manner… (bottom of post)
Nothing Is Being Done To Contain the Virus
An analysis published this week noted that over 6,000 travelers fly from Nigeria to the U.S. every week, one of the countries hardest hit by the deadly Ebola outbreak which can claim the lives of 90% of infected people. Thousands more of these potentially Ebola-infected persons are being allowed to fly from Nigeria to the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and China, among other countries. And would you care to guess where travelers from the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and China frequently fly to? That answer would be the United States. With a 21 day incubation period, and no mandated screenings procedures for people traveling from infected countries, it’s really not a matter of if, but when the virus reaches the United States. This is a recipe for disaster.
The most disturbing news comes from my most trusted confidential military source. My source is the same that told me an attempted rescue of Ambassador Stevens that was thwarted by the Obama administration. This was a fact that did not surface in other venues for months. As a prelude, if there is one thing that could send military leaders over the edge and perhaps mutiny, this is it.
There is a one-two punch coming as it relates to the unfolding Ebola crisis. First, the military has been told to take orders from the Department of Homeland Security with regard to establishing revised quarantine procedures. Part of these plans include putting local police under the jurisdictional command of the military in what we could call a de facto military draft for police officers. In other words, your local police chief and sheriff will taking orders from the Pentagon when it comes to the quarantining and detention of areas and people related to an Ebola outbreak. Perhaps this is the real reason behind Program 1033 which has effectively militarized the police.
This development will effectively convert local law enforcement into a martial law operation unit. Further, this would constitute the means from which martial law can be brought in through the “back-door” and the military will be an unwitting accomplice. The police and military will not be enforcing martial law, they will be told they are protecting public safety.
The second “punch” centers around the Ebola vaccine and the developments, as well as the future plans related to the roll-out of the vaccine could prove devastating to the people of this country. This will be the topic of next part in this series.