ISIS Execution of 160 Fleeing Syrian Troops is a Hoax!

- The propaganda machine is in full swing worldwide! The western Illuminati through their Illuminist MSM is selling the world the terrifying “ISIS Muslim Terrorism” threat! They are painting ISIS as even more competent and far deadlier than Al Qaeda. These are all psychological warfare against the sheeple. It is Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Illuminist psyop. This is to lead the sheeple into the coming Satanic WW3.
– - IMO, the escalating propaganda is leading to a series of nuclear false flag attacks on major western cities. Think Operation BlackJack 2.0. Without this major event, it will be hard for the western Illuminist governments to justify all out war, WW3. Without an event that is far deadlier than Al Qaeda’s 9/11, how do you paint ISIS as far more terrifying and evil than Al Qaeda?
– - Of course, Al Qaeda, ISIS(ISIL), Boko Haram … Muslim Terrorism are all owned and controlled by western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad … It is all a genocidal show, political theatre for the profane, to deceive the sheeple into killing each other. Thus, preparing the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, Man of ‘Peace’, the fake messiah, the white horseman of Revelation 6!
– - ISIS Execution of 160 Fleeing Syrian Troops is a Hoax!
In every possible means the Zionists are making it appear that ISIS (or ISIL) is the greatest fighting force, the fiercest, known to humankind. To do so they tell great lies about both this purported ferocity, as well as brutality: all to create fright. The Zionist claim of the defeat and slaughter of the Syrian military comes on the heels of a reported raid against such terrorists, which much loss of life:
Beirut (AFP) – At least 31 Islamic State militants and eight civilians died in Syrian air force raids Sunday in the northern province of Raqa, a stronghold of the jihadist fighters, a monitoring group said.
Note the above image. These are supposed to be fleeing soldiers. Does anyone see any soldiers running away? What is this man doing brandishing a knife? Do the men in the background look in fear of their lives? Rather, they look like they are attending a lecture. Moreover, how does the background relate to the foreground? It appears that the image of the terrorist has been photoshopped in. Another image in the video, yet another still image, of the man inside the cockpit of the defunct Syrian jet, also looks photoshopped. Regardless, in the above image what purpose would there be of brandishing the knife? No one in the background appears engaged or intimidated by the phony terrorist.
Here is the other fraudulent picture. Clearly, this is a staged fake.
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