CDC Removed the Phrase “Contaminated Air” from Its New Ebola Fact Sheet !
- Published on Aug 5, 2014
There’s a whole lot of scaremongering going on surrounding a potential Ebola outbreak in the U.S. these days…and why not. Panic sells.
In fact, panic sells vaccines. The CDC, a well-established revolving door with Big Pharma, knows perfectly well vaccines butter its bread.
Current CDC Ebola/hospital fact sheet page:…
That same page three days ago:…
The article that points out how CDC Director Thomas Friedman was evading answering a question in a press conference definitively that no, Ebola cannot be transferred through the air:…
Doc: ‘There’s not enough PANIC and customers to make an Ebola vaccine’ — Oh really?…
From martial law to big money: Five questions we’re asking about the ebola scare:…
Normally i would question the removal of sentences, facts or phrases posted on ” ” legitimate websites. However that being said until it has happened to you personally people will always question authenticity. Since I became aware of this situation Guinea in March and the research I have done I feel this whole new Ebola strain outbreak is a manufactured event. This is coming from a person who was listening to the W.H.O. press briefing recorded in April which was 44 minutes long and 25 minutes into it it was erased. The transcripts to that press release are still there, but the interesting thing about it there was a reporter who asked if this could be bio-terrorism event and named a specific country, the W.H.O. rep was stopped short in his tracks when he said it’s possible. By no means am I trying to fear monger. This either way due to negligence or culpability of certain parties show how fast things could get out of hand with a wait and see approach.