Zionist Psychopathic ‘Morality’: The Truth Behind the Kidnapping and Murder of 3 Israeli Teens!

- Psychopathic ‘Morality’: The Truth Behind the Kidnapping and Murder of 3 Israeli Teens!
by Joe Quinn, Sott.net
While much of the public was being distracted by news reports of the scoreline in the Germany-Brazil World Cup game, another, admittedly less important, high-scoring ‘game’ was playing out in Israel/Palestine. While Brazil lost 7 to 1 to Germany, so far, Palestinians losses to Israel are running at 100-0, with no end to the carnage in sight.
A week ago I expressed my suspicions about the timing of the kidnapping and murder of the three Israelis teens. Since then, more details have come to light that confirm that the kidnapping was most likely a carefully orchestrated Israeli government propaganda campaign designed to destroy the Fatah/Hamas unity government, demomize the Palestinians as ‘terrorists’, and, as always, give the psychopaths in Tel Aviv another opportunity to blow Palestinian women and children to pieces.
As clinical studies on the psychopathic mind make clear, psychopaths periodically experience a compelling drive to give vent to their destructive instincts. In the case of psychopaths in positions of power, this usually means some kind of ‘war’ where innocent civilians (aka ‘non-combatants’) are targeted for the most brutal suffering. In the specific case of the Israeli psychopathic ‘elite’, the psychological profile goes something like this:
Netanyahu and his ilk have a deep, almost unconscious desire to obliterate the Palestinians, to ‘erase them from the pages of history’, because the Palestinians stand in the way of them achieving their goal of a idealized Jewish state where they reign supreme. The Israeli/Zionist ideologues are frequently and privately enraged at the Palestinians because the Palestinians force the Zionists to struggle to find a way to achieve their racist goals without tarnishing their own self-image as ‘seeking peace’ ‘defending the Jewish people’ being ‘the only Democracy in the Middle East’ etc. To the psychopaths in Israel therefore, all Palestinians are ‘evil’, but there’s a problem: the Palestinians are not evil and their cause is just by normal human standards.
If it was up to them, the psychopaths in Israel would just kill all the Palestinians and be done with it. But they can’t because they are constrained by human rights, innocence, respect and other ‘silly’ ideals adhered to by normal people, and to which the psychopaths must also pay lip service if they are to maintain their mask of humanity on the world stage.
To get what they want therefore, the Israeli psychopaths must solve the problem of the Palestinians not conforming (in reality) to the evil image the Israelis have of them, that would allow the Israelis to freely express their destructive urges and achieve their idealized vision of a Jewish state. The solution that psychopathic types everywhere invariably come up with is to ‘create their own reality’ where they literally manufacture a ‘reality’ to fit the demonized image they have of the ‘enemy’ that stands in their way. At that point, they have the ‘just cause’ to attack the ‘enemy’ whose mere existence has been ‘unfairly’ thwarting their attempts to get what they want i.e. achieve their psychopathic agenda.
With that in mind, let’s look at the details of events over the past month in Israel/Palestine.
Kidnapped and Murdered Teenagers – Political Capital
The official narrative around the kidnapping of the Israeli boys has them being ‘missing’ for 18 days before their bodies were discovered on July 1st. During this time, in a supposed desperate attempt to find them alive and “bring them home”, the Israeli government had the (very willing) Israeli military rampage through the West Bank destroying homes and arresting and interrogating hundreds of Palestinians. The truth of what the Israeli government really knew about the fate of the boys appears, however, to be rather different.
A few days ago the Israeli National News reported that the details of the phone call made by one of the boys on the night of the kidnapping would have led the Israeli government to suspect that the boys had been shot. The call, which took place at 10:25 p.m. on June 12, lasted for 2:09 minutes – most of which is comprised the police trying to resume contact after the caller was abruptly cut off.
In the audio recording, after one of the boys whispers “they’ve kidnapped me!” to the operator, the kidnappers can be heard shouting at the boys to get their heads down. Immediately thereafter shots are heard amid an apparent struggle and the boys can be heard crying out in pain. This was the moment when the teens were most likely shot dead in the back seat of the kidnappers’ car. US investigators, involved because one of the boys was a US citizen, have said they were shot 10 times and that the weapons used to execute them were fitted with silencers.
The fact that blood, the boys’ DNA and spent bullet casings were discovered in the burned-out car found shortly after the kidnapping tends to confirm this hypothesis. But rather than inform the boys’ families and general public of these details, the Israeli government embarked on a propaganda campaign that was almost certainly planned many weeks in advance. A gag order on the press was quickly issued, preventing them from revealing the truth about the fate of the boys and the IDF proceeded on a two week-long ‘search for the missing boys’ as Israeli politicians and religious leaders whipped Israeli public opinion into a racist frenzy with calls for revenge and some individuals on FB responding to the murder of a Palestinian teenager by the IDF suggesting that all 4 million Palestinians should be “herded into gas chambers and their bodies burned”.
The mother of one of the teens who had listened to the call the day after the kidnapping was told by police that the shots were ‘blanks’ and that the boys were probably still alive and the Israeli government initiated a ‘#BringBackOurBoys’ campaign on Twitter in an attempted comparison to the #BringBackOurGirls campaign for the 276 Nigerian girls abducted in Nigeria by Islamic militant group Boko Haram (which appears to be a creation of Western powers, by the way).
The motivation for the lock-down on the truth about the fate of the boys was clear enough even to Israeli journalists. One week after the kidnapping, leading Israeli journalist Noam Sheizaf stated in a Facebook post that the gag order was to “preserve the local and international legitimacy” for a military policy aimed at Hamas – and, as such, the gag order was a form of “media manipulation”. Sheizaf also cited a Haaretz article of June 20th by Amos Harel that hinted that the military knew the teens were dead because the IDF operation in the West Bank clearly had nothing to do with finding the boys and was even harming the search for them.
What this means is that Netanyahu and his psycho cohorts callously used the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers to emotionally manipulate the Israeli population into calling for Palestinian blood (which they most assuredly did) and to justify the Israeli military bombardment of Gaza. Note that I don’t state that ‘preventing Hamas from firing rockets’ was part of the motivation. It clearly wasn’t. The only broad political agenda being served here was to demonize Fatah as a ‘partner for peace’ (because of its unity govt. attempts with Hamas) and gain local Israeli and international sympathy for Israel so that it can continue to occupy and steal more Palestinian land with impunity and murder any Palestinians who try to get in the way of the pathological ‘Zionist dream’. It’s interesting to note that, for years, Netanyahu claimed that there was no point in partnering with Fatah’s Abbas because Abbas had no control over Hamas. But when Fatah and Hamas recently announced a unity government, Abbas was condemned by Netanyahu as getting into bed with a terrorist organisation. Indeed, it was the threat of that unity government and recent criticism of Netanyahu from the US government that appears to have produced the kidnapping of the teens and all that has resulted.
Callously using the death of children for political purposes is one thing (and par for the course in our psychopath-ruled society) but is it possible, as I have suggested previously, that the Israeli government was involved in some way in the kidnapping and murder itself?
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