Two Rainforest Herbs that Destroy Cancer and Alleviate Side Effects from Chemotherapy!
- Two rainforest herbs that destroy cancer and alleviate side effects from chemotherapy!
by Derek Henry,
(NaturalNews) Nearly everyone has been touched by cancer in some way or another. Cancer patients are struggling with traditional therapies, and many are looking to alternative ways in order to reverse their diagnosis. Look no further than these two powerful rainforest herbs that can stimulate the proper systems to help give cancer a knock-out punch.
Cat’s claw
Cat’s claw (also known as una de gato) is a large woody vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest that derives its name from hook-like thorns that grow along the vine and resemble the claws of a cat.
Cat’s claw has been used in Peru and Europe as early as the 1990s as an adjunctive treatment for cancer, as well as for other diseases that target the immune system. It has several groups of plant chemicals that account for its action, the most studied group being oxidole alkaloids, which have been documented to have immune-stimulant and anti-leukemic properties.
Research and studies on cat’s claw that document its positive effect against cancer includes:
• Italian researchers reported in a 2001 in vitro study that cat’s claw directly inhibited the growth of a human breast cancer cell line by 90%.
• Swedish researchers documented that it inhibited the growth of lymphoma and leukemia cells in vitro in 1998.
• Reports on Keplinger’s observatory trials showed that cancer patients taking cat’s claw in conjunction with traditional therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation, reported fewer side effects like hair loss, weight loss, nausea and secondary infections.
• Subsequent researchers have shown that cat’s claw can aid in DNA cellular repair and prevent cells from mutating, and can also help prevent loss of white blood cells and immune cell damage caused by many chemotherapy drugs.
Cat’s claw has also been shown to kill viruses, fight free radicals and reduce inflammation.
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