The AL-CIA-DA Frankenstein!
- Published on Jun 5, 2014
The Taliban was a Frankenstein monster created by U.S. and Pakistani intelligence. Missed in the growing storm over the Sgt. Bergdahl prisoner swap is the fact the terror group that arranged the trade was closely aligned with the CIA. The Haqqani network is a product of a collaboration between the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI. Pakistan Army General Ashfaq Kayan referred to Haqqani as “a strategic asset.” Collaborative efforts between the two intelligence agencies resulted in the creation of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
The establishment media is characterizing the Haqqani Group as one of the most dangerous and vicious terrorist groups in the world. Omitted from coverage is the fact Afghan mujahideen leader Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani was a direct asset of the CIA in 1986 as the agency waged a covert war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
Unlike other mujahideen leaders who dealt with Pakistani intelligence, Haqqani worked directly with the CIA. He was an important intermediary in control of territory where Osama bin Laden would command Afghan Arabs and other radical Islamists recruited by the CIA to fight a proxy war against the Soviets. Bin Laden called Haqqani a “hero” and “one of the foremost leaders of the jihad against the Soviets.”
