Former NSA Chief: More Terrorist Attacks On The Way! Be Prepared For A False Flag Terror Attack!
- Published on May 23, 2014
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Report date: 5.23.2014
Gold manipulation actually exists, Barclay’s has now been fined for manipulated the gold market. HP lays off 16,000 for a total of 50,000 employees. Retail sales and profits completely decline and imploding. China will replace the EU businesses if more sanctions are placed on Russia. FBI chief says be suspicious of government, I am. DHS fusion centers revealed, they are used to spy on Americans. The vote is in the NDAA detention of Americans stands. Syria is trying to move the remaining chemical weapons out of the country. The paid mercenaries bombed a Syria election tent to try to stop elections. Former NSA chief says more terrorist attacks are on the way. Be prepared for a false flag event.
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