BRICS Building Parallel IMF!

- The IMF, World Bank, FedRes, BIS … are privately owned Illuminist corporations. They are tools of the western Illuminati. By creating an alternative to the IMF, the Russian and Chinese Illuminati have stabbed at the heart of the western Illuminati’s global hegemony. The message is clear: “Give us more power, more say in the running of the IMF or we will no longer participate in your global hegemony!”.
– - Economic and financial WW3 has been triggered. The western Illuminati will not allow their global hegemony to be threatened by any country. Thermonuclear Satanic World War 3 will follow. (Note: the Illuminati’s plan is for a modified IMF 2.0 to be the Global Supra-National Central Bank managing a One World Currency backed by gold, under a One World Government : UN 2.0 –> ‘666’)
– - BRICS building parallel IMF!
by Patrick L Young,
The post war consensus on financing bodies appears to be breaking down as the West clings desperately to the reins of the IMF and World Bank. In exasperation, the BRICS nations are pushing forward with alternative institutions.
As arbiter of sound government finance, the IMF was once much feared by profligate politicians. When IMF experts were parachuted in as frontline fiscal rescue, the world clearly recognized a major government economic policy failure. Britain famously reached this nadir in the 1970s, when state spending expansion reached a finite limit and Chancellor Healey was forced into a massive policy U-turn endorsing monetarism and fiscal discipline.
However, in recent years the IMF has become somewhat politicized, losing track of its original goals. Having been a hugely useful player alongside the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in helping rebuild the New Europe post-Soviet collapse, the IMF of recent years has become a rather odd place: headed by a succession of politicians who seem to regard their role as being a prominent office to canvas for the French Presidency while administering economics-lite.
Nowadays, the IMF has become rather a haven of discredited Keynesian thinking, aka the endlessly meddling interventionist superstate policies beloved of declining Europe, and indeed Obama’s America. Typical of the leaderless zeitgeist overseeing relative economic decline, the political classes have become used to foisting a compromised European political figure into the top job at the IMF. What the IMF really needs are strong technocrats as opposed to the spineless politicians who generally operate with (at the very least!) one eye on their next political position.
Thus the IMF has gradually become less significant as it has manifestly failed to take the fiscal initiative in recent years. First the world’s leading champagne socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn and latterly Christine Lagarde have remained beholden to the flawed policies of big debt and big government which suits the cowardly political mood for kicking economic realpolitik down the road.
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