Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: 9/11-Style False Flag Attack Gone Awry?
- Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: 9/11-Style False Flag Attack Gone Awry?
Interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett
Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, author and radio host from Madison, about the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Well Dr. Barrett, let’s look at it from a technical perspective. Do you think it is possible for no radar system to have picked up this airplane, even as it allegedly went way off course for hundreds of kilometers?
Barrett: No, that is not possible. In fact this aircraft cannot be just lost. It cannot have just disappeared. This makes no sense.
There is military radar and satellite coverage of that area. The CIA base in Alice Springs Australia knows precisely what happened to that plane. And it is interesting the Malaysian government has asked them and they are not getting any response.
Yes there may not be any new information in the sense of we got something today that is going to tell us what happened to the plane but what we do know is that this story that it just disappeared and presumably crashed is impossible.
It takes only a second or two to squawk an emergency code. If it is a hijacking there is a hijack code – it is I think three digits – it is just tap, tap, tap and it is done. So there is no way that a plane is going to start having problems that are going to lead to a crash and it is not going to squawk that code.
The plane tuned and flew in a westerly direction and must have been under some kind of control and yet there was no emergency code, there was no hijack code, nothing like that. This is very, very strange.
The Malaysian government was searching for the wreckage of the plane in a place where it already knew it could not be and did not tell us for a couple of days. This makes no sense. There are so many of these anomalies. Passengers’ cellphones were ringing out days after the plane disappeared, meaning that they were not under water and they were powered on.
Well Christopher Bollyn just found that there is an identical clone to this plane. It has been sitting in a hanger in Tel Aviv, Israel for the past couple of months and there was a show game play with his aircraft, it was in Southern France, they moved it down to Israel and speculation is that there was some sort of false flag plan at foot, perhaps another [plane] into buildings deception like 9/11.
We have so many parallels between this event and 9/11 which planes just disappearing, transponders going off for no reason, no hijack codes, no emergency codes being squawked, and cell phones anomalies. So a lot of people are speculating that there was a 9/11-style plan and it may not have gone right.
Press TV: Well what about that Dr. Barrett? I mean some of our viewers are saying this is like another false flag. And at 9/11 of course we were dealing with this subject. Let me say especially here at Press TV we take it very seriously and trying to deal with it, the sensitivity of this subject especially for the families of those who were on that plane. It is a very difficult time for them, we understand that.
However looking at this situation, how likely is this some type of setup and if so what could it be? What could be the goal of this situation like this?
Barrett: Well you are right. It has been very hard on the families and they have been protesting because they know they are being lied to, just like the 9/11 families. We would not have a 9/11 commission unless the family members hadn’t been protesting and basically camping out on the White House lawn for months and months and over a year until finally they were able to get that commission which turned out to be whitewash and likewise the Malaysian family members are putting pressure on the Malaysian government and they are not getting anywhere. They know that there is some huge deception going on here.
Planes cannot just disappear like that. There are all sorts of reasons to believe that something strange has happened with this plane. I suggested one scenario earlier which is the possibility that this plane was going to be, well, either blown up and this would be blamed on Iranian guys who were photoshopped into being patsies boarding the plane or maybe it was going to be taken somewhere and then flown into a building somewhere in a 9/11-style false flag event and it is possible that all the publicity in which the mainstream media at this time has actually been asking questions about what happened to this plane unlike 9/11 when nobody was asking any questions because they were still in shock.
So that is one angle, the possibility that this was going to be used in some kind of false flag like 9/11 and there are plenty of indications pointing at that but there is also another angle which is that there were 20 employees of a Semiconductor firm on board, Free-scale Semiconductors who this company had just patented the most advanced computer chip available and with many, many military applications, a very, very important piece of an electro property they were heading for Beijing and it is possible that somebody did not want them to get there.
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