David Morgan: G20 Ultimatum to America – “Reform or Else”! End of Dollar as World Reserve Currency, Gold and Silver Will Be Global Phenomenon!
“19 out of the G20 are saying we are mad as hell and we are not going to take anymore. You get it together or we are going to get it together for you. . . .“ – Quote
- Dollar Value Could Suffer Overnight Collapse-David Morgan!
by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Silver expert David Morgan is warning of coming financial changes that may be forced on the U.S. during the next G20 meeting. Morgan says, “The impetus here is the U.S. has had too much financial power backed by the military for far too long, and they (G20) are going to implement change one way or the other. The IMF is basically an extension of the United States. Even though it’s called the International Monetary Fund, it is really U.S. based. With what’s been proposed here, the IMF is not going to have the clout that it once did because the G-20 is going to be able to overrule the IMF vote. This is a point in history, monetary history and global economic politics that could set a precedent . . . where it’s official that the U.S. dollar has lost its primary status as world reserve currency.”
Morgan goes on to say, “For years and years, decades, the United States has exported their inflation because it’s a reserve currency, and we have the ability to just print at will. We have pushed the U.S. dollar overseas, into Japan, into China, into Europe, all over the world, and now these dollars could be repatriated. . . . It is a very simple concept in economics, and the supply of dollars is huge. The reason we haven’t seen inflation is those dollars have not been spent. This would portend ‘I need to get out of the dollar and buy tangible assets. . . . Real estate, gold, silver, businesses, any tangible asset. This would be an impetus for these countries that don’t need dollars anymore. If I don’t need these dollars and I don’t settle oil in dollars, it’s not the supreme currency. I need to get out of it.’ If that mindset takes hold widespread, you could see the dollar dive in value against other currencies. There are so many dollars sitting out there doing nothing that could change like a flock of birds. They are all flying in one direction, and then for no reason we could understand, they go the other direction instantly. We could have an instant change where nation states say I need to get out of dollars. If that were to take place, you could see a huge change virtually overnight.”
Morgan thinks the world knows the dollar is in trouble. He contends, “Everyone wants to pretend that everything is OK, but everyone also knows the emperor has no clothes. . . . People might say I’m out. The dollar is toast. I want out at any price. Once that mindset takes place, it could catch fire. It’s unlikely, but you cannot rule it out. . . . 19 out of the G20 are saying we are mad as hell and we are not going to take anymore. You get it together or we are going to get it together for you. . . . Something is going to take place this year that will have such an impact. Perhaps what will be announced will go over the heads of many, but those who are awake will say, ‘that’s it.’ Might not happen initially, but the earthquake will have started, and the U.S. dollar will have lost its status on the international markets.”
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