Pentagon Cutbacks More Theater to Push for Covert Warfare!
- How do you conquer America? The Illuminist banksters’ solution is to bankrupt America! The Illuminati’s favourite scam is to finance needless wars of aggression using the American military. The Pentagon is really just a mercenary arm of the western Illuminati. These wars will bankrupt America and put the nation into receivership under the IMF (banksters) and the United Nations. America will then be forced to accept the dictates of the coming Luciferian World Government!
- Pentagon Cutbacks More Theater to Push for Covert Warfare!
by 21st Century Wire says…
We’re told there will be ‘winners and losers’ in the latest budget debate over Pentagon spending on Capitol Hill…
As far as we can tell the real losers in this eventual budgetary showdown will be the American taxpayers as the Pentagon looks to allocate more funds towards ‘special operations expenses‘ while also increasing their cyber warfare capabilities.
Special Forces Operators have been working at the behest of the CIA since the early 1950′s – usually in an ‘off the books’ manner.
The Department of Defense uses Special Operations units for clandestine activities after the CIA gathers its initial intel, later sending in the units when an area of conflict has been established.
There was a reboot of the 60′s ”Studies and Observation Group” manned by the CIA in 1998, the name was said to double for the Special Operations Group, allegedly for security reasons.
The United States has crafted the largest military ‘insanity’ complex that history has ever seen, concealing its spending habits and secret war games from the public’s eye, to the tune of trillions in unaccounted currency.
In a recent 21Wire article by James Hall it was reported that Jonathan Turley documented the lack of accounting through Pentagon Plugs:
“A new report has detailed how the military has cooked the books to hide trillions, that’s right trillions, in missing money and equipment. The military calls them “plugs,” a curious term for fraud. These are knowingly fake figures used to hide the fact that there is no accurate record of the money.
The Washington Post recently got into the act by releasing a black budget report of their own, detailing the four main military spending categories with some 56% of the black budget allegedly dedicated to covert operations.
As the Capitol Hill theater campaign toils through the all to familiar strum and drang of government ineptitude, you’ll see the war mongering neocons use the 1940 level-army-size as a battle cry to secretly increase the security state in the name of national security.
Those on the left will most likely dutifully carry out their fraudulent agenda with the help of ‘old guards’ like Lindsay Graham and John McCain.
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War is a business. To get business you have to get customers to support your business. If people don’t to want to support your business, you have to deceive them. 9 Eleven was an illusion, a magic show made for tv and most of us bought into it. Here is how they did the magic.
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