Stephen Leeb: The US & The West Are Purposefully Being Destroyed !
- The US & The West Are Purposefully Being Destroyed!
With continued global uncertainty as we near the end of January, today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb warned King World News that the US and the West are purposefully being destroyed. Leeb also spoke about China’s continued move to global domination and what investors can do to protect themselves. Below is what Leeb had to say in this powerful interview.
Leeb: ”The United States has had control of the world’s reserve currency since 1944. Since 1971, when Nixon took the US off of the gold standard, it has allowed the US to print as many dollars as it wanted. This has meant tremendous economic power and leverage over the rest of the world. This is changing….
But the world is going back to a gold standard one way or another. This is why people have to own gold. People should also put away a lot of silver too. Those metals will be an economic fortress for investors. This is all going to end in tears for most people in the West because they will not be prepared for what is coming. The adjustment to the New World Monetary Order is going to destroy the savings and wealth of so many people in the West. It will be a sad day for those who are not prepared, and all of this is happening by design.”
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