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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] “More Lies for War”: Barack Obama, President and “Liar-in-Chief”! by Larry Everest, … Those decades were launched with, and in important ways defined — militarily, politically, and morally—by the most concentrated mass murder of civilians in human history. The U.S. atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the …
[youtube=] Published on Sep 13, 2013 There’s been no official findings yet on who was behind the chemical attack which sparked America’s appetite for war. And while Washington accuses president Assad of being responsible – some westerners who were inside the country at that time challenge this notion. RT’s Bill Dod spoke to Belgian writer …
[youtube=] Antichrist hidden in America’s history? by Author of ‘Apollyon Rising 2012’ explains in exclusive interview! From the founding of the United States, claims author Thomas Horn, this nation has been manipulated toward one goal: building an occult society that would one day welcome the spirit and person of the Antichrist. – In an exclusive …
Israel’s Chemical Weapons Stockpile Highlights Western Hypocrisy! by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post Unmitigated hysteria continues to be expressed regarding the possession of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. This continues despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence tying the Assad government to the deployment of chemical weapons in Syria. The U.S. government and …
[youtube=] Do vaccines cause autism? Must-see new video reveals the systematic suppression of evidence of vaccine-damaged children! by by
Evidence of Syrian Rebel Use of Chemical Weapons Continues to Accumulate! by by William F. Wertz, Jr., September 11, 2013 DOCUMENTATION: Evidence of Syrian Rebel Use of Chemical Weapons Continues to Accumulate – While Barack Obama and John Kerry have lied that the Syrian government was responsible for the use of chemical weapons, evidence …
Congress: Stop Thermonuclear War — Throw Obama Out, Pass Glass-Steagall! by Urgent release from Michael Steger, on behalf of the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee – There will be no announcement for thermonuclear war. It will have started and finished in the same time that many Americans spend in their evening commute. After an hour and …
Russia to expand Mediterranean fleet to 10 warships – Navy chief! by The Russian Navy intends to build its presence in the Mediterranean Sea – particularly in the area close to Syrian shores – to up to 10 battleships, announced Admiral of the Fleet Viktor Chirkov. – “The task is crystal clear: to avoid …
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Revealed: CIA delivers weapons to Syrian rebel fighters despite Obama announcing he’ll pursue diplomacy over war! by David Martosko In Washington, – Guns, mortars and ammunition smuggled in as U.S. steps up role in civil war – CIA bases in Turkey and Jordan being used as conduit for military hardware – Vital weapons shipments …
[youtube=] Dr. John Coleman Ex. British Intelligence By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule. – Leader of Syrian Rebel …
[youtube=] Nigel Farage Confronts EU Communist Barroso on Global Warming Hoax! by UKIP’s Farage savages Barroso on how manufactured global warming fears are driving poor people into fuel poverty. Farage held up NASA satellite images which show Arctic sea ice has increased by 60% since last August, confounding claims by climate change alarmists that …
[youtube=] Published on Sep 13, 2013 In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews investigative journalist Greg Palast about the secret memo he uncovered. The End Game memo uncovered how top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to benefit themselves. The memo indicates high level politicians like Larry Summers, who is …
Morgan Whistleblowers Confess Bank Manipulates Gold & Silver! by In a stunning development, two JP Morgan whistleblowers have confessed that the bank manipulates the gold and silver markets. This is truly a shocking admission by the courageous JP Morgan whistleblowers. In a blockbuster King World News interview, London metals trader Andrew Maguire told KWN …
[youtube=] Real Media Blocks Obama’s Attempt at Plunging Nations Into WW3! by Anthony Gucciardi, The real media that has now emerged in the place of the depleted mainstream media machine has successfully blocked plans by Obama and his handlers to plunge the international community into a hot World War 3 scenario, and top advisers …