Global Banks Massive Criminal Conspiracy In The Gold Market !
- Global Banks Massive Criminal Conspiracy In The Gold Market!
Today one of the savviest and well connected hedge fund managers in the world told King World News that global banks are involved in a criminal conspiracy in the gold market. Outspoken Hong Kong hedge fund manager William Kaye also spoke with King World News about what is really taking place behind the scenes in the war on gold. Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions, had this to say in part II of an extraordinary written interview series which will be released today.
Kaye: “The paper gold price has been driven well down. We’re nowhere close to when gold peaked above $1,900. We’re in the low $1,400s as I speak now, Eric.
So price has gone down, but what about volume (in gold)? Well, I can tell you that volumes in China year over year are up four to five times. I can tell you that volumes in Thailand, a similar amount (to China, up four to five times).
Volumes in India, despite an increase in taxes, and despite the fact they are making it more difficult for average people in India to acquire gold, all of the dealers that we talk to who deal into India tell us it’s the same experience as China. It’s up four to five times….
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