Robert Fitzwilson: Global Reset is Coming! Time is Running Short!
- Chaos, Cyprus, Manipulation & How To Protect Your Money!
Today 40-year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson, wrote the following piece exclusively for King World News. Fitzwilson, who is founder of The Portola Group, warned that time is running out for investors and they need to act quickly. He also focused on what investors around the world can do to protect themselves.
“Conversations with clients invariably touch on what form the resolution of the dysfunctional global financial system will take. We have written that the system is set up for chaos, so trying to predict a chaotic, random outcome is a fool’s game.
“We know about Cyprus and the suggestion of what happened there as being some sort of template for many other countries in that region. What was surprising were the announcements that both New Zealand and Canada were considering similar measures to be applied in their countries. There are other indications from around the world that leads one to consider the possibility that the “bail in” model is the grand plan and Cyprus was not just an isolated incident.
Jim Sinclair alluded to this in his KWN interview yesterday. There will come a time when the Central banks and the people involved in shorting metals with paper will switch from short to long. The institutions involved in the manipulation do not lose money. What will happen is that we will discover that they are massively long the physical metal. That is when we will have a global, coordinated devaluation of currency, the confiscation of a large portion of deposits, and an officially sanctioned reset on the price of gold to a much higher level.
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