Global Warming is a LIE ! First Week of April and It’s STILL SNOWING! London and South East Hit by More White Stuff as the Great Spring Freeze Keeps Its Grip on Britain!

- First week of April and it’s STILL SNOWING! London and South East hit by more white stuff as the Great Spring Freeze keeps its grip on Britain!
by James Rush,
– Sleet and snow fell over London and South East yesterday
– Forecasters expected nothing more than a ‘light-dusting’
– Temperatures expected to remain low until next week
– But by the end of next week, they could return to ‘normal’
The Spring Freeze once again tightened its grip yesterday when snow started to fall across London and parts of the South East. A flurry of sleet and snow fell on the capital at lunchtime yesterday, although forecasters said it was due to be nothing more than a ‘light dusting’. Temperatures are expected to remain low until next week, when a low-pressure system from the Atlantic could bring some ‘slightly less-cold air’.
But despite the freezing temperatures and flurries of snowfall, forecasters said next week would usher in comparatively balmy conditions of 13C. John Lee, a forecaster with MeteoGroup, said Saturday will generally feel less cold as the winds become lighter, although there could be wintry showers in the North.
A slight change however could be just around the corner next week. Mr Lee said: ‘There’s a lot of uncertainty with times at the moment, but there seems to be a low pressure system from the Atlantic which is going to try and feed in some slightly less-cold air to the UK.
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One would have to be very stupid to believe that record cold weather is really global warming!