The Cancer Industry Does Not Want a Cure!
- The Cancer Industry Does Not Want a Cure!
by Paul Fassa,
If you’ve never heard or seen this type of statement before, you have now and you’ve read it right. The cancer industry destroys or marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies that do more harm than good.
People who survive cancer from conventional cancer therapies don’t survive cancer, they survive the treatments. There’s an old saying from the early 20th Century, before the AMA and Big Pharma created their medical mafia: “With eclectic medicine (homeopathy, herbal, etc.), you die from the disease; with allopathic medicine, you die from the cure.”
Dr. Robert Atkins, MD, once announced there are several cures for cancer. But there’s no money in them. They’re natural, effective, and inexpensive. Raising millions for research to produce an expensive toxic remedy that can be patented and create more illness is the ticket to success and big bucks for those involved with the cancer industry’s fake war on cancer.
The thousands in the cancer industry careerists are involved with fund raising “charity” groups, university research labs, oncologists and related medical personal, medical equipment manufacturers, and of course the pharmaceutical industry. And the FDA is there to protect their business.
A Recent Episode that Proves They Don’t Want a Cure
You would expect if a relatively safe generic pharmaceutical drug manufactured for another purpose was discovered as a potential cancer cure, there would be a rush to get that drug approved for curing cancer, or at least trying it out.
This happened a few short years ago with with a drug, now generic, that was once used for a rare metabolic disorder. Yet the cancer industry shows no interest for following up on dichloroacetate (DCA). 2007 research at University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, reported in 2007. That’s because DCA is no longer patented.
Their research confirmed cancer as a metabolic malfunction, not a weird mutation of cells often explained away as a genetic issue. The outlaw alternative cancer therapists have long realized this, but the medical mafia doesn’t want you to hear about it.
Evangelos Michelakis and the Alberta University research team tested DCA on human cancer cells outside the body and in cancerous mice with profound success.
DCA’s worst side effects, which rarely occur, include some numbness and a slightly affected gait. The mice were fed DCA in water, and in weeks they had remarkable tumor shrinkage. This indicates DCA can be taken orally.
DCA works by restoring the cells’ mitochondria. Michelakis and his team had discovered that the mitochondria in cancer cells are not permanently damaged and irreparable, as the cancer industry maintains.
With cellular nuclei mitochondria malfunctioning, cancer cells use glucose fermentation for survival energy instead of oxygen. This fermentation occurs when cellular glycolysis (glucose conversion) is forced to occur without oxygen in an anaerobic cellular environment, which can be created by benign tumor masses, toxins, and low pH or acidic levels.
DCA restores mitochondria in cells to make them function properly, aerobically, using oxygen metabolically to convert glucose into energy.
Another function of normal mitochondria is signaling apoptosis, or cellular self destruction. Normal cells die and become replaced constantly. But with cancer cells, the apoptosis signal is nullified, making cancer cells “immortal.”
The Alberta University researchers also realized that glycolysis fermentation in cancer cells produces lactic acid. The lactic acid breaks down the collagen holding those cells together in a tumor.
This allows cancer cells to easily break away from a tumor shrinking from mainstream therapies. The researchers reasoned this is why cancer metastasizes or spreads to different parts of the body or reappears after remission from chemo.
Interesting research that has gone nowhere, unfortunately, because greed, control, and power have ruled in our wonderful medical profession since the 1920s.
The mortality rate of sincere dedicated “alternative” cancer healers is proportionately comparable to the cancer death rate since the “war on cancer” was declared by Richard Nixon in 1972.
In other words, it is and has been a war on cancer cures.
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Reason’s to “Work-Out!” I am an amateur “bodybuilder” and have been for the past 30 years. My daily regime (which I haven’t kept-up as of late) “requires” me to be very watchful of what I eat. Sure, I “cheat”…when I’m NOT working-out. BUT, for the most part, I KEEP to my regime! AND, in doing so, I have discovered that everything I’ve been doing is beneficial in fighting cancers and other disease’s that most people “my age” (60 y.o.) are disposed too.