The Dangerous Drift Towards World War in Asia!

- The idea that the world is drifting towards war by accident and not design is nonsense! World War 3 is planned, organized, structured, executed …. by the western Illuminati. They are headquartered in Europe. The people behind this are the Black Nobility of Europe, headed by the Queen of England, the British Monarchy. These are the biblical seed of the serpent, the 13 Satanic bloodlines!
– - These snakes want a global economic, financial and monetary collapse followed by World War 3. They want to foment violence, deaths, wars, famine, pestilences, destruction of national sovereignties, chaos, total collapse …. to prepare the way for the coming of their Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ, the fake messiah, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6!
– - The dangerous drift towards world war in Asia!
by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Hiroshima, Japan,
At ground zero in Hiroshima the inscription for victims of the world’s first Atomic bomb is a pledge. We will never again repeat the evil of war.
Japan’s national ideology is pacifist, and this is written into Article 9 of its constitution, which states that “the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.”
This peace complex adds a strange twist to events. It inhibits Japan as a muscular China presses its claim on the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands — a cluster of uninhabited rocks near Taiwan — and as Chinese warships push deep into Japanese waters.
Yet there is no doubt that Japan will fight. “We simply cannot tolerate any challenge now, or in the future. No nation should underestimate the firmness of our resolve,” said Shinzo Abe, the hawkish premier bent on national revival.
After talking to Japanese officials in Tokyo over the last few days, I have the strong impression not only that they are ready to fight, but also that they expect to win, and furthermore that conflict may come at any moment.
“They are sending ships and even aircraft into our territory every day. It is intense provocation. We’re making every effort not to be provoked but they are using fire-control radar. This is one step away from conflict and we are very worried,” said a top government official.
Nothing has changed since outgoing US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said China and Japan were drifting towards war, except for the Japanese defence budget. Spending on warships and aircraft will jump by 23pc this year.Internal Japanese documents say the situation has become “extremely dangerous” since the Chinese locked their weapons-guiding fire-control radar on a Japanese helicopter and then a destroyer in January, a dramatic escalation. The claim is denied by Beijing.It was the risk of such incidents spinning out of control during the Cold War that led to the creation of the red-telephone “Hotline” between the US and the Soviet Union. No such hotline exists between Tokyo and Beijing.
Over at the revamped Defence Ministry — no longer the meek Self-Defence Force — a top military planner showed me maps detailing the movement of Chinese DDG warships and Yuan-class submarines through Japanese waters. The pressure point is Okinawa, a fresh source of controversy as Chinese academics start laying claim to that island as well. “If they can build a radar site in the Senkakus, it would be major strategic asset,” he said.
“What we don’t know is whether Chinese officers follow any international code of conduct? Do they understand what is banned and not banned?”
read more!

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