Ex Asst. Treasury Secretary: Dr Paul Craig Roberts – Fed Desperate To Avoid Collapse!

- Ex Asst. Treasury Secretary: Dr Paul Craig Roberts – Fed Desperate To Avoid Collapse!!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury told King World News, “… the dollar is the vulnerable spot in the Fed’s policy management, and the popping of the bubble is likely to come from the dollar.” Former Assistant of the US Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, also warned King World News that a financial collapse is coming, and the Fed is desperately manipulating the gold price in an attempt to avoid the collapse.
Here is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this extraordinary and exclusive interview: “A lot of people just can’t imagine that the government would fix the gold price. And yet, in full view, the government fixes the bond price, and the banks fix the LIBOR rate. So why is it people can’t comprehend that the government would fix the price of gold (laughter ensues)?”
“And you have to ask yourself, who would short gold in a rising gold market? In the physical gold market the demand for gold rises consistently. Investors would ride the rise in gold. Do investors go in and short a bull market in stocks? Not unless they want to get wiped out. So why would they short a rising gold market unless the purpose is to stop the rise? So it’s obvious that they are fixing the price of gold because we hear every day that there is more physical demand for people who actually want the metal….
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