Lyndon LaRouche: Collapsing Financial System & World War!
“We now have 7 billion people living on this planet … The British (Empire/Monarchy) intention which is made very clear is that there should not be more than 1 billion people … (on) the entire planet!” – Lyndon LaRouche, 12.00 onwards
Matthew 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
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This is an excellent speech by LaRouche giving a historical and current overview of what is really happening behind the scene. When Lyndon LaRouche talks about the British empire he is talking about the Black Nobility headed by the British Monarchy (ie. the western Illuminati) and their fascist world empire. He is not talking about the British public/sheeple which does not understand what is going on.