Apocalypse Now? Petrus Romanus – The Next Pope is the Final Pope, the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation?!
- Prophecy: Is the next pope the last pope?
by http://www.marketwatch.com/
Commentary: Medieval prophet says only one pontiff remains
Forecasting stock moves is one thing: At least there is only a certain number of possible outcomes. But forecasting all the future popes?
Yet this is what St. Malachy, a 12th-century Irish bishop, apparently managed to do. In 1139, he is said to have received a vision of all future pontiffs, which he then listed with a Latin motto for each future Bishop of Rome. And so far he’s gotten them all right, at least according to the believers of his prophecy.
Now this is certainly not church doctrine—the Catholic Encyclopedia notes strong arguments against the authenticity of the prophecy, and whether it does in fact come from St. Malachy—but enthusiasts say each and every one of the mottoes on the list do correspond to their respective popes.
For instance, John Paul I is listed as “de medietate lunae,” meaning “of the middle of the moon.” Modern interpreters say this predicted that John Paul I’s reign would begin during a half-moon and last just one month, which it did.
His successor, John Paul II, is described by St. Malachy as “de labore solis” or “of the sun’s labor,” supposedly because he was born during a solar eclipse. Benedict XVI, who announced his resignation Monday, is “gloria olivae” or “glory of the olive,” allegedly because his name “Benedict” is taken from St. Benedict, whose monastic order uses the olive branch as a symbol.
Now admittedly, the details for each pope are pretty slim and seem open to stretched interpretations meant to reinforce the accuracy of the prophecy. St. Malachy, if he is in fact the author, only went into detail about the very last pope, who will rule at the end of time.
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