A New Gold Standard is Being Born!!

- Currency wars are now escalating worldwide. Japan fired a huge cannon in this war! The Yen has been devalued from 76.x (USD-JPY) to now 89.x. About 17% devaluation. It appears to be headed to 100. The Eurozone is also getting ready to devalue the Euro. ‘Beggar thy neighbor’ policy of competitive devaluations is the order of the day to boost economic (export) competitiveness.
– - This will all lead to a coming global monetary meltdown! All fiat currencies are going down the toilet bowl of debasement. Got physical gold/silver yet? Don’t be a sheeple: last to know/understand what is going on. First to suffer the consequences!
– - A new Gold Standard is being born!!
by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The world is moving step by step towards a de facto Gold Standard, without any meetings of G20 leaders to announce the idea or bless the project.
Some readers will already have seen the GFMS Gold Survey for 2012 which reported that central banks around the world bought more bullion last year in terms of tonnage than at any time in almost half a century. They added a net 536 tonnes in 2012 as they diversified fresh reserves away from the four fiat suspects: dollar, euro, sterling, and yen.
The Washington Accord, where Britain, Spain, Holland, South Africa, Switzerland, and others sold a chunk of their gold each year, already seems another era – the Gordon Brown era, you might call it.
That was the illusionary period when investors thought the euro would take its place as the twin pillar of a new G2 condominium alongside the dollar. That hope has faded. Central bank holdings of euro bonds have fallen back to 26pc, where they were almost a decade ago.
Neither the euro nor the dollar can inspire full confidence, although for different reasons. EMU is a dysfunctional construct, covering two incompatible economies, prone to lurching from crisis to crisis, without a unified treasury to back it up. The dollar stands on a pyramid of debt. We all know that this debt will be inflated away over time – for better or worse. The only real disagreement is over the speed.
The central bank buyers are of course the rising powers of Asia and the commodity bloc, now holders of two thirds of the world’s $11 trillion foreign reserves, and all its incremental reserves.
It is no secret that China is buying the dips, seeking to raise the gold share of its reserves well above 2pc. Russia has openly targeted a 10pc share. Variants of this are occurring from the Pacific region to the Gulf and Latin America. And now the Bundesbank has chosen to pull part of its gold from New York and Paris.
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