Zbigniew Brzezinski (Illuminati Committee of 300?) Still Admits The Global Political Awakening Proving Very Difficult For The Elite!
- Zbig is the co-founder together with David Rockefeller of the Illuminist Trilateral Commission. He is very very high up in the Illuminati organization. He is a geo-political, strategy genius.
– - Zbig is the puppet master behind Obama. His faction is opposed to the Zionist NeoCon faction. They appear to be at war with each other. Zbig is an expert at wars via proxies. He is not a fan of Israel. He has spoken out openly against Zionist Israel but no one has dared to lay a hand on him. That tells you how powerful he is when even the Zionist lobby snakes do not dare to touch him.
– - Watch as Zbig/Obama Illuminati faction execute the Satanic World War 3 plan. Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, will be destroyed in this coming Greater Middle East war! Many Christian sheeple will fall when they see Zionist ‘666’ Israel destroyed. They have been brought up on the LIE that Zionist ‘666’ Israel is the Israel of the Bible. It is a nonsensical romantic mythology!