Obama Gives OK for Israeli Invasion of Gaza – Full Blame on Palestinians!
- Obama Gives OK for Israeli Invasion of Gaza – Full Blame on Palestinians!
by http://larouchepac.com/
President Obama, in a press conference in Bangkok, gave a ringing endorsement to the mass bombing and killings continuing in Gaza, and for the upcoming invasion, which Nerobama described as “not preferable.” He also placed full blame for the Israeli slaughter (and the danger of global thermonuclear war which could easily result) on the Palestinians and those countries that “champion the cause of the Palestinians” (i.e., the U.S. is proud of NOT being one of their “champions”).
Asked by Bloomberg News if Israel’s planned invasion with troops had his approval, Obama answered that the “cause of the current crisis” is the missiles from Gaza — an absurd statement in itself. He then said that “Israel has every right to expect that it does not have missiles fired into its territory. If that can be accomplished without a ramping-up of military activity in Gaza, THAT’S PREFERABLE.” Why is that preferable? Well, said Obama, it would be bad for Gaza, but also “because if Israeli troops are in Gaza, they’re much more at risk of incurring fatalities or being wounded.”
So, genocide and global war, while not “preferable,” is OK with him. He continued that he has instructed Egypt’s President Morsi and Turkish PM Erdogan that “those who champion the cause of the Palestinians should recognize that if we see a further escalation of the situation in Gaza, then the likelihood of us getting back on any kind of peace track that leads to a two-state solution is going to be pushed off way into the future. And so if we’re serious about wanting to resolve this situation and create a genuine peace process, it starts with no more missiles being fired into Israel’s territory.” Nothing more, said the British puppet.