My bible tells me those that bless Isreali I will bless those that curse Isreali I will curse..Mary
I suppose if Satan calls himself Israel: you will bless him also! I suppose if I call my pet porker a Jew: he is a Jew in your eyes too.
Ashkenazi Khazars are not semitic people ie. not the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel ie. they are not Jews! Their flag is the Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram, Star of David flag. The Bible states very clearly in Rev 2:9, there are people who call themselves Jews but are not and are a Synagogue of Satan!
These people flying their Satanic ‘666’ flag calling themselves Israel/Jews are mass murdering the semitic Palestinian peopl who in all likelihood are the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel ie: real Jews!
Don’t be gullible and naive!
in Christ
Israeli has a right to defend itself. Mary
The Zionists have been using this phrase to paint themselves as victims constantly. Fact is Zionist Israel has been committing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the semitic Palestinian people for the past 64 years!
You are a deceived useful idiot falling for their propaganda psyop! Ashkenazi Khazars are not the Jews of the Bible and not the holy people. They do not have any right to the promised land. Zionist Israel is a neo Nazi, genocidal, criminal … state which flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag.
It is not about self defence. It is about using false pretexts to genocide an entire group of semitic people.
My bible tells me those that bless Isreali I will bless those that curse Isreali I will curse..Mary
I suppose if Satan calls himself Israel: you will bless him also! I suppose if I call my pet porker a Jew: he is a Jew in your eyes too.
Ashkenazi Khazars are not semitic people ie. not the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel ie. they are not Jews! Their flag is the Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram, Star of David flag. The Bible states very clearly in Rev 2:9, there are people who call themselves Jews but are not and are a Synagogue of Satan!
These people flying their Satanic ‘666’ flag calling themselves Israel/Jews are mass murdering the semitic Palestinian peopl who in all likelihood are the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel ie: real Jews!
Don’t be gullible and naive!
in Christ
Israeli has a right to defend itself. Mary
The Zionists have been using this phrase to paint themselves as victims constantly. Fact is Zionist Israel has been committing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the semitic Palestinian people for the past 64 years!
You are a deceived useful idiot falling for their propaganda psyop! Ashkenazi Khazars are not the Jews of the Bible and not the holy people. They do not have any right to the promised land. Zionist Israel is a neo Nazi, genocidal, criminal … state which flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag.
It is not about self defence. It is about using false pretexts to genocide an entire group of semitic people.