Iran “Threat” Myth Grows to New Heights!
- Iran “Threat” Myth Grows to New Heights!
The next time you hear some mainstream media parrot talking about Iran sponsoring terrorism, remind them of the covert American funding of terror groups in Iran in an effort to destabilize the government and ask them what the difference is. Tell them you’re willing to agree for the sake of argument that the charge of Iran sponsoring terrorism is true, but then ask: “What’s worse, sponsoring terrorism, or actively perpetrating it in multiple countries, as the US is doing?”
11-07-11 UPDATE:
I just saw a reddit comment on this video that tried to characterize it as “blaming all the Jews.” Of course, this is NOT the case, as I’m sure many of you understand. Nonetheless, this huge misconception still exists, so in the interest of clarification, as I responded to the negative reddit comment:
Many are unaware of the very important distinction between spiritual and political Zionism. An excellent place to start would be Alan Hart’s book series called “Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews,” in which he clearly explains this distinction.
Political Zionism, as Hart explains, is “Jewish nationalism in the form of a sectarian, colonial enterprise which, in the process of creating in the Arab heartland a state for some Jews – mainly by terrorism and ethnic cleansing – made a mockery of and demonstrated contempt for Judaism’s moral values and ethical principles.”
This is what I’m talking about in the video when I mention Zionists hiding behind Judaism. It is certainly NOT an effort to “scapegoat the Jewish people.” It is no more correct for anyone to blame all Jews for the actions of the soulless Israeli government “leaders” who have hijacked their faith than it would be to blame all Western Christians for the actions of their government, or all Muslims for the actions of a radical few.
Please do some research on Alan Hart. Going back more than 40 years, he has been as inside as one can get on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The guy knows what he’s talking about.