Final Conflict 2012? Engineering World War 3 ?
- Emphasis mine:
Final Conflict 2012? Engineering World War III?!
In today’s increasingly interdependent and interactive world, every action has a myriad of causes, meanings, objectives and reactions; many visible, many invisible. Some, openly admitted and declared; others no one would dare confess.
When trying to come to grips with the many complex conflicts going on in the world and the dizzying pace at which they transpire, it would be a mistake to approach them in isolation. Only a “holistic” bird’s eye view gives us the picture of where we are and, more importantly, whereto we are being dragged.
21st century geopolitics cannot be understood applying a silo mentality. Syria’s civil war, Egypt’s “Arab Spring,” the destruction of Libya and Iraq, growing China, crippled Japan, the Eurozone crisis, America’s “missile shield” in Poland, Iran’s nuclear program, the coming Latin American “Spring…” Approached haphazardly, the picture we get is one of utter chaos. Approached applying the right model of interpretation, we begin to see how things interrelate, react and move in obedience to extremely powerful and dynamic – albeit, mostly invisible – forces silently driving today’s world.
Don’t (just) Read the Newspapers…
It’s good to be informed; it’s useless, however, if you cannot format that information into proper intelligible models. Too much unprocessed information will send your brain into overdrive. Thus, it’s good judgment to step away from all the noisy headlines, breaking news, terror alarms and show-biz news anchors. It’s like when you look at a Claude Monet impressionist painting: if you stand too close, you only see a maze of little coloured dots, but when you take a dozen steps back then the beauty of the work unfolds before your eyes.
In today’s information overdrive, we must join the dots correctly in spite of the global media’s insistence that we connect them all wrong.
By now, most of us have realised that ours is “a planet at war”; not at war with some alien world (that would make things easier to understand!). Rather, we are a civilisation waging civil war with itself and against itself.
Reading the global press, you might think this is a war between sovereign nations, but it’s more complicated than that. This world war is waged by a hugely powerful, illegitimate, authoritarian but numerically tiny Global Elite, embedded deep inside the public and private power structures of just about every nation on Earth; notably, the United States of America.
Like a cancerous malignant tumour, we can’t remove it outright; we can only hope to weaken it and arrest its growth before it metastasizes, killing mankind’s whole body politic. What the world needs now is some subtle sort of “virtual political chemotherapy” to remove and destroy this malignant tumour governing the world.
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