Dr Deagle & Texe Marrs: America Preparing for “Post Israel Middle East” Report ! Internal US Government (All 16 US Intelligence Agencies & Pentagon Agree) Report – “Israel is a Bloody Aggressor Militant Nation, Rogue Criminal Illegal & Immoral Nation Which Cannot be Salvage!”
- For those who are still asleep: major geo-political shifts underway. The Satanic World War 3 plan is definitely on IMO! Quote:
“Why we see Netanyahu being snubbed (by the White House)?! …Netanyahu is now an enemy of the United States according to this report! … It’s an 82 page report .. and it has been agreed to by all … 16 US intelligence agencies and the Pentagon. We’re talking about the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General Martin Dempsey … This report is called Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East! And it says … that Israel given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged. It says that Israel is out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East. It says that Israel is a bloody aggressor, militant nation. It’s a rogue nation! It’s criminal activity is illegal and immoral. And Israel is lying about Iran’s … nuclear capabilities! All 16 US intelligence agencies together say that Iran has no nuclear weapons. They’re not developing nuclear weapons and that this is just a flat-out lie by Netanyahu and Israel !” – 1:35 onwards, Texe Marrs