London Trader: The LBMA Gold Price Fixing Scheme Is Over!
- London Trader – The LBMA Gold Price Fixing Scheme Is Over!
With many global investors still concerned about the recent price action in gold and silver, today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on these markets. The source told KWN that “… the LBMA’s price fixing scheme is coming to an end.” The source also said that because of this, the eventual “move in gold and silver will literally frighten most people.”
Here is what the source had to say: “It is now beginning to be discussed, openly, that the unallocated gold is not at the banks. This is definitely the case with many of the allocated accounts as well. The reason I’m pointing this out is you have a more ‘open’ disclosure that’s taking place with regards to this.”
“This tells me there is something major that is happening behind the scenes. It tells me that the LBMA’s price fixing scheme is coming to an end. You have these naked short positions, that are incomprehensible to most people, in both gold and silver….
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