Nigel Farage: If This Happens In Europe Frankly It’s Meltdown!

- Nigel Farage – If This Happens In Europe Frankly It’s Meltdown!
On the heels of German lawmakers backing the European bailout of Spanish banks, today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage told King World News, “All I can say with absolute confidence is that this crisis will roll on.” Farage also said, “If Spain needs a full bailout, and if it even looks like Italy needs a bailout, well, then frankly the game is up.”
Farage also discussed gold, but first, here is what he had to say about the fear in Europe: “The reality is there are now tens of millions of people in Europe who feel absolutely desperate and without hope. And I still feel if they stay trapped inside this eurozone, in the end this could have disastrous social consequences.”
“There is real fear, people are very fearful indeed. And I think the further South in Europe you go, the worse that fear is. The best hope we’ve still got, is that the markets just smash this thing to smithereens. At least it would bring the whole thing to a head. We (will) get to a point where those countries simply can’t borrow, and then we are into bailout territory again….
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