IMF: Eurozone in Critical Danger, ECB should Launch QE !

- Both the IMF and ECB are privately owned Illuminist banks. The MSM once again is selling the meme: central banksters are our saviors! They don’t tell you that the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis is caused by these Illuminist banksters. How will the ECB rescue the Eurozone? By creating money out of thin air, by simply typing in the amount$$ needed into their computer system, QE .. to buy up sovereign debts. The sheeple are then made to pay back these debts plus interest.
– - Of course, the way things are going, these debts will never be repaid. These Illuminist banksters will then exact their pound of flesh by the force sale of the countries’ assets at pennies on the dollar to pay back these debts. They will own the Eurozone via this SCAM !
– - QE implies currency debasement ie. inflation. The path chosen by the Illuminist banksters is hyperinflation to save their Illuminist banks. It will cause a global currency crisis. Got physical gold yet?
IMF: eurozone in critical danger, ECB should launch QE!
By Telegraph staff and agencies,
The eurozone is in “critical” danger and the European Central Bank should play a bigger role in fighting the debt crisis through more rate cuts, QE and further liquidity provision, the International Monetary Fund has said.
“The euro area crisis has reached a new and critical stage. Despite major policy actions, financial markets in parts of the region remain under acute stress, raising questions about the viability of the monetary union itself,” the IMF said.
The fund added that the independent ECB, which is legally forbidden to finance governments, could be given full lender-of-last-resort functions, to help break the vicious circle of highly indebted governments borrowing from banks, which in turn become vulnerable due to the risk associated with the bonds.
“The ECB can provide further defences against an escalation of the crisis,” the IMF report said. “These could include policies to support demand in the short run and fend off downside risks to inflation, as well as measures to ensure monetary transmission, currently impaired by financial stress in some countries.”
“And to further strengthen its financial markets role, the ECB could also be given explicit responsibility for financial stability and full lender-of-last-resort functions, thereby eliminating bank-sovereign linkages present in the current Emergency Liquidity Assistance scheme,” it added.
The IMF said the ECB could further lower borrowing costs, which are currently at a record low of 0.75pc, because the economy was weak and inflation risks small.
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