Iran, Next Target for US War in Middle East !
- This coming Greater Middle East war is about Iran abandoning the petrodollar. The reason why the USD is the world reserve currency is because of the petrodollar oil trade. The global petrodollar trade is maintained via threat of war by America and its allies. This is the reason why Iraq and Libya were invaded. Both sold oil, or threatened to sell oil, in currencies other than the USD. All the talk about Iran being a nuclear threat is propaganda BS!
– - All countries need oil and since oil is only sold in USD, countries hold USD. This creates an artificial demand for USD, thus giving it value. Because the USD is accepted by nations all over the world and is needed for the purchase of oil, it is used widely in international trade settlement. Thus, the USD is the world reserve currency. However, with Iran ditching the USD and many countries like India, Turkey, China… going along, the USD’s days as the world reserve currency are numbered. China is actively ditching the USD in international trade settlement with its numerous currency swap agreements.
– - Iran is right to be pissed with America. American sanctions are an act of war against Iran and is causing immense hardship to the Iranians. What did Iran ever do to harm America? Nothing at all ! Iran has not started nor invaded any country for a few centuries.
– - It was Iraq, with the instigation and support of western powers that started the Iran-Iraq war. It was America which supplied to Iraq the weapons of mass destruction, the biological weapons(gas) to kill Iranians and the Kurds. Who is the aggressor and who is the victim here? I do not blame the American public because they have been misled and lied to constantly. I blame the Illuminist US government and the Satanic ruling elites!
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons!
On August 18, 2002, the New York Times carried a front-page story headlined, “Officers say U.S. aided Iraq despite the use of gas”. Quoting anonymous US “senior military officers”, the NYT “revealed” that in the 1980s, the administration of US President Ronald Reagan covertly provided “critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war”. …
While the August 18 NYT article added new details about the extent of US military collaboration with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during Iraq’s 1980-88 war with Iran, it omitted the most outrageous aspect of the scandal: not only did Ronald Reagan’s Washington turn a blind-eye to the Hussein regime’s repeated use of chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and Iraq’s Kurdish minority, but the US helped Iraq develop its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs.
Iran-Iraq War, Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement By: John King, March 2003.
… This chronology of the United States’ sordid involvement in the arming of Iraq can be summarized in this way: The United States used methods both legal and illegal to help build Saddam’s army into the most powerful army in the Mideast outside of Israel. The US supplied chemical and biological agents and technology to Iraq when it knew Iraq was using chemical weapons against the Iranians. The US supplied the materials and technology for these weapons of mass destruction to Iraq at a time when it was know that Saddam was using this technology to kill his Kurdish citizens. The United States supplied intelligence and battle planning information to Iraq when those battle plans included the use of cyanide, mustard gas and nerve agents. The United States blocked UN censure of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons. ….