Syria’s Problem is Wall Street’s And London’s Geopolitical Aspirations for Global Hegemony!
- This civil war in Syria is the machinations of the western Illuminati. It is engineered by Illuminist banksters out of Wall Street and the City of London. It is about extinguishing the nation-state in favour of an all-powerful Luciferian World Government. It is about the destruction of Middle East oil supplies to conquer the world. Asia and much of the world (and quite obviously China) will fall when the oil runs out. China is perceived as the major (economic, financial and military) threat in the near future. China and Russia (together with the BRICS) can destroy the Anglo-American-Zionist global hegemony. (emphasis mine)
Syria’s Problem is Wall Street’s And London’s Geopolitical Aspirations for Global Hegemony!
By Tony Cartalucci,
As difficult as it might be for some to believe, Syria’s problem is not violence, armed insurrection, or political upheaval. Neither is it economic or social.
These are but symptoms, many purposefully induced from abroad, of Syria’s real problem, and therefore any solution aimed at treating only these symptoms will provide only but the most superficial and temporary relief.
Many geopolitical analysts know this, and yet champion for the immediate treatment of these symptoms, particularly the end of violence, which makes perfect sense in a sense of “triage,” but will ultimately fail if the root of the problem is not also exposed and a solution for “digging it out” not formulated and appropriately promoted.
The Problem
Syria’s problem is not the “Free Syrian Army” nor the “Syrian National Council,” nor the myriad of terrorist organizations operating under this umbrella – but rather the corporate-financier driven foreign interests that created them, fund them, arm them, and both tactically and politically perpetuate their activities.
Syria’s problem is that it has attracted the attention of Wall Street and London and found itself in the middle of their geopolitical aspirations for global hegemony.
Syria is seen as the key to breaking the power and influence of Iran, which has so far thwarted attempts aimed at its own transformation into a Western client state. Syria has long been on the list itself for “regime change” and has been the target of political, social, and military attacks for years (see timeline here). It has fought an exhaustive proxy war against Western interests in and around Lebanon vis-à-vis Israel and now finds itself fighting Western proxies on its own territory.
The West is intent on destroying not only Syria, but also Iran, and by doing so further encircling both Russia and China. The game is as old as human civilization itself – empire.
The establishment of a global hegemonic power with uncontested institutions reaching across the entire surface of the planet, exploiting its people and resources, is in fact Syria’s problem. While Syria must address the proxies sent on behalf of this global hegemony, it and the rest of free humanity, must ultimately address the global hegemon itself.
The Solution
Geopolitical analysts believe that balking Western ambitions for regime change in Syria by immediately coming to a negotiated agreement with Syria’s so-called “opposition” should take priority.
Even by merely attempting to do this with some degree of credibility may afford both Syria, and free humanity the time needed to retrench against foreign destabilization – even if a settlement ultimately fails.
However, the West has become an expert at creating false paradigms, creating debates and conflicts that obfuscate the true nature of any given problem – obfuscating that they themselves are generally at he root of it.
In the case of Syria, so much time has been invested in reaching this negotiated agreement, that many have lost sight of the fact it is the West creating this violence in the first place and that their proxy “opposition” movement has purposefully rejected any and all reasonable terms of negotiated agreements specifically to avoid this reprieve in destabilization – breaking momentum the West fears it may be unable to recreate even in the near future should a meaningful ceasefire be established.
Beyond this goal for temporary reprieve, lies solutions aimed deeper and broader, at the very base of the elitist hegemonic powers driving this conflict, and similar campaigns of violence and political destabilization worldwide.
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– - Daniel 7:23 (New King James Version)
23 “Thus he said:
‘The fourth beast shall be
A fourth kingdom on earth,
Which shall be different from all other kingdoms,
And shall devour the whole earth,
Trample it and break it in pieces.