Expect More Chaos As The Elites Are Now Totally Discredited !

- Expect More Chaos As The Elites Are Now Totally Discredited !
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today legendary value investor, Jean Marie Eveillard, told KWN that elites throughout the world are discredited. Eveillard, who oversees $50 billion at First Eagle Funds, also said, “The implications (if the trend continues) would be a chaotic or semi-chaotic period. If the economy does not recover, in what would appear to be a sustainable manner, then the politicians will be under pressure to take very unusual steps.”
He also discussed the gold market, but first, here is what Eveillard had to say about the danger elites and bankers are facing: “Elites are discredited, not just in the US but throughout the world, including possibly in China if the economy there continues to do poorly. And it’s not just government elites, it’s also business elites, particularly financial elites in many countries, including the US, the bankers and the like. They will end up hanging a few. I suppose I’ll be spared because I’m too old.”
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