Economic Hit Man John Perkins on The New Banana Republic And USA, Inc. !
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Bob Chapman – Free American Hour – April 6, 2012 Greece is going down and with it Spain Ireland and Portugal none of them can dig its way out of the hole not even in 50 years says Bob Chapman , those events will raise havoc in the US and England , in the …
[youtube=] No amount of lying and propaganda can hide the crimes of this neo Nazi Satanic counterfeit: Zionist ‘666’ Israel ! – THEY SHOOT CHILDREN, DON’T THEY? Confined Cruelty: Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Minors! by Graham Peebles, For many Palestinian children their childhood is lived under a cloak of fear and the threat of …
The USD’s reign as the world reserve currency is coming to an end. Unfortunately, most people still do not understand the full implications. When the USD collapses, we will have a global currency crisis. All fiat currencies are going down the toilet bowl of currency debasement. Got physical gold yet? – BRICS Plan for the Future! By: John …
Confirmed: Terrorist Organization Trained on US Soil by US Military! by Tony Cartalucci, Ynetnews reported in their article, “US operated deep in Iran, trained assassins,” that, “the New Yorker reported over the weekend that the US trained members of the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq. According to previous reports, Israel has been cooperating with the …
[youtube=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, should really be called Zionist ‘666’ Rothschild fiefdom. It is pretty much owned by the Satanic Rothschild bloodline (80%)! According to Simon Schama’s book, Two Rothschild’s and the Land of Israel (Collins, London, 1978), the Rothschild’s acquired 80% of the land of Israel. – The idea that Zionist ‘666’ …
The Club of Rome is a an Illuminist organization, part of the Illuminati Round Table! – Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030: MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy ! by Michael Edwards, Activist Post As tyranny continues its march out into the open, it is increasingly becoming cloaked in green. Under the guise …
Our usual dose of official US economic statistics ie. LIE ! The economy is recovering! Yeah right! Pigs can fly! Only the gullible and naive sheeple will believe these unemployment statistics. Soon, we will have Zero unemployment since everyone will be classified as not part of the labor force! – NFP Big Miss: 120K, Expectations …
The A/H1N1 global swine flu scare was a hoax driven by Big Pharma and their agents: global health organizations and the Illuminist MSM. Swine flu was largely harmless compared to even normal seasonal flu. The agenda was to sell more toxic useless vaccines! – Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy, horrified scientists discover ! …
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