This EU Summit Will Accelerate a Euro Break-Up Not Slow It Down or Save It !
- The Eurozone will collapse. I do not believe it will survive past 2012. The planned is for a Luciferian World Government. It will be done via a super-merger of EU 2.0 (10 Horn Beast) and a greatly enlarged, re-engineered … America 2.0 (Mystery Babylon Whore). The path is fraught with risks. But the Illuminists are hell-bent on achieving it. The next stage of their world conquest is a brute force frontal assault approach ie. World War! Those countries that refuse to submit to their new Financial and Monetary Hegemony will face the wrath of bombs! They will bomb these nations into submission!
Daniel 7:23 (New King James Version)
23 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces.
This EU summit will accelerate a euro break-up not slow it down or save it!
By Damian Reece,
Can of worms? Pandora’s box? Take your pick but that’s what is being opened in Brussels.
Far from saving the euro, historians may come to see this summit as the moment it finally fell apart. They will have the benefit of knowing what comes to pass over the next few weeks as the political cloud from today’s talks mushrooms over Europe.
Having ignored the views of the minority about the euro’s flaws in the run up to its inception, the 17 members who eventually climbed aboard were happy to proceed during the debt inspired good times of the past decade. But now they are finally forced to Brussels, again, having similarly failed to grasp the recent sovereign debt crisis.
Until recently, contemplating the break-up of the single currency was thinking the unthinkable. Now those openly discussing it – just about everybody – are merely adopting a mainstream, orthodox view. Even Nicolas Sarkozy is warning that the risk of disintegration has never been greater.
But to avoid that, as Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, pointed out, closer fiscal union within the eurozone is inevitable. That will be music to the ears of Angela Merkel.
But others in Europe, namely ordinary people, may be experiencing the dawning realisation of what that really means. Power ebbing rapidly away from their national parliaments, towards the euro centre. Suddenly this process will start to feel like thinking the unthinkable for many.
What’s on offer in Brussels is a fiscal union which represents different outcomes for different groups of countries. But both outcomes will be equally unpalatable for voters.
In Germany, and its satellites, what’s being discussed will mean vast transfers of wealth south, to support the insolvent banks and governments of the Club Med countries. For voters in these places, such as Greece, Portugal and Italy, what’s on the agenda is the imposition of a new set of rules which are about to change their lives irrevocably. They will be forced to become like the north as they submit their national rights to tax and spend to outside supervision by the European Commission. Comply or be punished is the highly enticing prospect.
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