How Khazarian Ashkenazi “Jews” Invented Modern Terrorism!
- Another Israeli False Flag? – by Stephen Lendman
Mossad and Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) have long, odious histories of committing them. More on that below. At issue now is whether the August 18 bus and other attacks inside Israel were committed by external elements or Israel, and if so, why?
Also at issue always is cui bono? In fact, Hamas and various Palestinian resistance groups have nothing to gain. Clearly Israel benefits greatly at least two ways:
(1) The upcoming September UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian self-determination Israel very much wants to derail.
(2) Weeks of nationwide internal social justice protests Netanyahu also wants to diffuse and end.
Both are compelling reasons for employing tried and true tactics – change the subject by diverting public attention. In this case, scaring people enough to put safety above pocket book issues, as well as getting UN member states perhaps to rethink the wisdom of supporting Palestinian sovereignty at this time, with Israel allegedly under attack.
Whether it works will be known when the UN General Assembly meets in September. What’s clear is that last March, Israel informed all Security Council members and prominent EU countries that if Palestinian self-determination efforts within 1967 borders persisted, unilateral Israeli steps would follow, implying harsh ones.
Add it up and it suggests classic false flag reasons, perhaps with planned follow-up attacks for reinforcement. They’re likely if Israel also has another objective in mind – using the attacks as pretext for Cast Lead II.
Israel blamed the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees (PRC – a coalition of resistance factions) for launching internal attacks.
PRC spokesman Abu Mujahid told AFP:
“We salute (the operation) and we are proud of it, but we do not claim it. The occupation wants to pin (it) on us in order to escape its own internal problems.”
Hamas also denied responsibility, spokesman Taher al-Nunu telling AFP:
“These (unfounded) accusations are an attempt to distract from the Israeli domestic crisis.”
As expected, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak pointed fingers, despite no corroborating evidence, saying:
“The source of the terror incidents is Gaza and we will act against them with all our strength and determination.”
Also as expected, New York Times coverage was pro-Israeli. On August 19, Heba Afify and Isabel Kershner headlined, “A Long Peace Is Threatened in Israel Attack,” saying:
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