Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Mao Tse Tung Was Skull And Bones by The US covertly supported the Communist revolution in China and undermined Chang Kai Chek. Mao Tse Tung was part of the Satanist Skull and Bones society, just like the Bush father and son and the cream of US leadership, more proof that the world is controlled …
9/11: A Treasonous, US Government-Directed, False Flag, Terror Operation Carried Out To Tyrannize The American People! by State of the Nation, via Nothing changes until the well-concealed perpetrators are aggressively prosecuted and severely punished for the transparent US government-sponsored, false flag, terrorist attacks! – Editor’s Note: The following exposés and essays, analyses and papers, …
Patrick O’Carroll – Ukraine Has Left the West Defenceless by “By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that …
Congressman on Intelligence Committee Says Aliens ‘Have the Technology to Turn Humans into Charcoal Briquettes’ And Government Has Been Covering Up UFO Existence Since 1890 by STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * Tennessee congressman revealed he has seen compelling evidence of UFOs * He said aliens have technology that could ‘turn us into a charcoal …
Ex-Russian Space Boss Finds ‘No Proof’ Americans Landed On Moon In 1969 by Tyler Durden, Russia’s former head of the Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said he went on a quest about a decade ago to find concrete proof that the Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. After finding little evidence, he questioned …
.@RobertKennedyJr: CIA 'Definitely Involved' in JFK's Assassination "They were definitely involved in the murder and the 60-year cover-up," he declared. "They're still not releasing the papers that legally they have to release." "For anybody who has doubts about that, I would… — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) May 6, 2023 RFK JR.: CIA “Definitely …
Bombshell Filing: 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Recruits by KIT KLARENBERG, At least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level, according to an explosive new court filing. – A newly-released court filing raises grave questions about the relationship between Alec Station, a …