Biden Has Opened the Door for the UN to Move On America Prior to the Outbreak of WW III
- Biden Has Opened the Door for the UN to Move On America Prior to the Outbreak of WW III
by Dave Hodges,
Do you think you only have to worry abot the jabbers from the Biden administration that will becoming to your door, complete with “life-altering” vaccines? We all have a lot more to worry about than vaccines. You better worry about the UN/CHICOMS that will soon be patrolling the streets of America.
In the previous article on the CSS, it was detailed how close to an apocalyptic World War III the world is currently at. There is a domestic component to the World War III scenario and that is what the CSS is going to focus on in this article.
Chaos Rules the Military and the Government
The American military and government is in a perpetual state of chaos. For example, most of America’s military is operating without the approval of Biden and this is understandably true because our Generals would like to live to retirement. Our military leaders understand that if they acquiesce to the Marxist-Communist takeover of our country, they will all be put to death by CHICOM occupation forces.
Biden’s handlers are not going to idly sit by and allow their Marxist takeover go up in smoke. And go up in smoke it will because it is apparent that when the war with China begins, that the legitimate military will conduct a counter-coup, under the Insurrection Act, and restore our Constitutional government. However, Biden’s people are not going to allow that to happen without a fight. Over the years, I have written extensively about the United nations. As announced on Fox News last week, Biden’s handlers have asked the UN to review America’s level of racism. This is a prelude to UN intervention under the gise of restoring order under the Kigali Principles. My insider sources tell me that there are already plans to rollout the United Nations “Peacekeeping” force both Canada and the United States. Look at what has surfaced in Canada in the past few days. We don’t have to worry about the UN forces coming to oppose any counter coup, they are already here and our military leadership knows it.
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