Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The Alex Jones Show by Jasen Edwards, Informal Warfare on YouTube, to break down what is behind the globalists push to lockdown humanity. end
How We Arrived at the Globalist Calls for a ‘Great Reset’ by Steven Guinness, The unveiling on June 3rd by the World Economic Forum of ‘The Great Reset‘ agenda appears on the surface to be a newly devised concept created directly in response to Covid-19. As it turns out the first soundings of a ‘reset‘ …
Caitlin Johnstone: It is the US Intelligence’s Job to Lie to You. NYTimes’ Afghan Bounty Story is CIA Press Release Disguised as News by Caitlin Johnstone, Whenever one sees a news headline ending in “US Intelligence Says”, one should always mentally replace everything that comes before it with “Blah blah blah we’re probably lying.” …
EU Should ‘Reflect’ on Possible US Withdrawal From ‘Role of World Leader’, Angela Merkel Says by Oleg Burunov, Last week, US President Donald Trump confirmed media reports that he wants to pull 9,500 soldiers from Germany to bring down the count to 25,000, after accusing Berlin of being “delinquent” in its defence spending. German …
Mark Skidmore: $90 Trillion in Treasury Debt – It’s Not Just Bad Accounting by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Three years ago, Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “Missing Money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This was a stunning revelation …
RonPaulLibertyReport Suddenly politicians are talking about locking the US back down. They are screaming about a “second wave” and warning that the hospitals are full. We know they cooked the books to pad the coronavirus death count…are they cooking the books again to bring back the panic? end
Spiro Skouras Black Lives Matter has been dominating the headlines for weeks and there has been a lot of speculation regarding the funding of this organization with many fingers quick to point at George Soros. So the million dollar question is… Did George Soros fund Black Lives Matter? Yes, he absolutely did and we share …
Here is what President Trump said when his son asked him about aliens. Yes, we know it's campaign material, but it's still the president of the United States talking about something most government officials never talk publicly about.#mysterywire #aliens #roswell — Mystery Wire (@MysteryWire) June 19, 2020 Trump Says He’s Heard ‘Very Interesting’ Things …
Ben Swann Websites the Federalist and ZeroHedge have come under fire from Google Ads which has in one case de-monetized one site and threatened to do so to another if they do not remove comments posted to stories that Google considers “racist”. This all came about after NBC News worked to have the sites de-monetized. …
Silver Bullion TV Returning SBTV guest Mark Valek, co-author of the In Gold We Trust report, shares with us why we will witness the dawn of a golden decade and how the unsustainable debt levels makes revaluing gold higher an option central banks cannot ignore. Otherwise, the market will make this decision for them. Download …
Liberty and Finance What a year 2020 has been – and we’re only at the half-way point! We are at the midpoint of the most volatile year in history: – fastest recession-scale drop in the Major Stock Markets ever, – fastest expansion of the US currency supply and debt in history, – highest level of …
Judicial Watch READ:… Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on WMAL (“Mornings on the Mall”) to discuss recently-obtained records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing the FDA between 2012 and 2018 entering into 8 contracts worth $96,370 with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) to acquire “fresh and never frozen” tissue from 1st and …
nemesis maturity COMET NEOWISE UPDATE: Good news for sky watchers. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is monitoring Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) as it passes by the sun this week. Not only is the comet still intact, but also it has brightened to magnitude +2.4. This means it is likely to be an easy naked-eye …
U.N. Chief Guterres Calls for One Supreme Body of ‘Global Governance’ — World Government by SIMON KENT, The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic “national interests” U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Thursday, as he lamented existing U.N. instruments such as the Security Council have teeth but “show …
El.Alvarez D In Jewish rabbinical circles they keep talking about the impending construction of the temple. The late LDS scholar Cleon Skousen has been working with the Priests. Now everything is ready. The main thing they’re waiting for is the annexation of Judea (including Jerusalem) and Samaria. & this is said to be coming in …
Covid-19 Was in Spanish Sewage as Early as MARCH 2019, Study Claims by Traces of the novel coronavirus have been discovered in Barcelona sewage water months before the first case of the dreaded disease was reported in China, a new study by a group of Spanish researchers claims. – Scientists with the Enteric Virus …
The Alex Jones Show by Alex Jones breaks down the authoritarian globalists touting fake numbers and projections of deaths wrongly associated with covid-19 as a reason to call for mandatory vaccines. 666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived 666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived Posted by Greg Reese's Pieces on …
FSN GoldandSilver What’s going in the country is emblematic of what’s going on in our financial world. What’s being told to us doesn’t comport with what’s going on in the world. Rob believes there’s a shortage of gold and silver and yet the prices don’t move. But when you try to purchase PPE (personal protective …