Egyptian Army Displaces Northern Sinai Residents

- North Sinai is being cleared for the coming of the Palestinians (IMO, most of them are the REAL Jews of the Bible). Thus, fulfilling Revelation 12:6,13-14.
– - Egyptian Army Displaces Northern Sinai Residents
Residents of el-Arish, the capital of northern Sinai governorate, have been exposed to ongoing attempts by the Egyptian authorities to expel them from their areas, where clashes and armed conflicts have been taking place between the Egyptian army and the Islamic State.
A number of residents told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that security and army forces evacuate buildings and residential areas, as residents are told that they can return home in due course. However, the buildings and homes are destroyed.
The sources added that the local authorities are yet to live up to the promise that residents can return; only some have been provided with a place to sleep in mosques or churches in nearby areas.
While the evacuation takes place on the outskirts of el-Arish, the residents said that the state is giving the armed forces extensive powers in terms of land ownership in the northern Sinai Peninsula.
On July 15, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued a decree stating that the Port of el-Arish, all its buildings, facilities and surrounding land plots shall be deemed to be of public utility, transferring ownership to the armed forces.
According to the decree, the Ministry of Defense shall assume the duties of securing the port area, while the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone shall finance and implement the development, management and operation of el-Arish port.
Al-Monitor got hold of a map showing the 371-acre area mentioned in the decree, which consists of a residential area that is part of the land plots surrounding the port. In addition, the decree grants the army the right to decide on the annexation of any additional land.
“Over the past period, soldiers — some in civilian clothing — were distributing leaflets to residents about the army’s attempts to ensure citizen safety by moving them to safer areas,” an el-Arish resident told Al-Monitor.
This is not the first time that the armed forces have evicted residents and destroyed homes. In November 2017, the Rafah city council, north of el-Arish, evacuated over 1,500 square meters (0.4 acres) of land.
Head of the Rafah city council Khaled Kamal said in a statement at the time that a committee was established by the city council to study ways to compensate the residents who were evacuated from their homes and lands. However, these displaced residents have yet to receive the promised housing and compensation, with some moving to Cairo instead.
In May 2018, Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemned the army’s “widespread destruction of homes in North Sinai.” The HRW statement read, “The destruction, much of which is likely unlawful, has extended well beyond two government-designated security buffer zones in the cities of al-Arish and Rafah. The army also demolished several homes in al-Arish, in what appears to have been retaliation against terrorism suspects, political dissidents, and their relatives.”
Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at HRW, noted in the same statement, “Turning people’s homes into rubble is part of the same self-defeating security plan that has restricted food and movement to inflict pain on Sinai residents. The Egyptian army claims it is protecting people from militants, but it’s absurd to think that destroying homes and displacing lifelong residents would make them safer.”
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