Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe: Trump’s Peace Plan is Based on Zionist Myths
- Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe: Trump’s Peace Plan is Based on Zionist Myths
by, ref: aljazeera
Interviewed by Mohammed Suleiman
Through a progressive and critical view of the idea of Israel and Zionism, Israeli historian and academic Ilan Pappe (65 years) devoted much of his effort and thought to undermining Israeli narratives, and went further than his colleagues of “new historians” – those who appeared especially in the nineties of the last century – against Zionism and defending rights Palestinian conflict.
In his books such as “Ten Myths about Israel,” “Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine,” “The Idea of Israel, History of Power and Knowledge,” and many of his articles, he exposed the falsehoods of Israel and the policy of ethnic cleansing and racism inherent in the Zionist project.
In 2007, the academic boycott, harassment and various threats to leave Haifa University – where he was studying in the Department of Middle East History – led to the University of Exeter.
Babieh describes himself as an “anti-Zionist Israeli,” and that “his Jewishness is a historical cultural identity,” and believes that the Zionist project is only a colonial settlement movement supported by the West, and the Palestinians must unite to confront it.
In this dialogue, Babieh talks about the American peace plan known as the “Deal of the Century” and its objectives and mechanisms, and its connection to the Zionist project and the agenda of the administration of US President Donald Trump and the Israeli right and the planned arrangements in the region.
As a historian, how can you describe the American peace plan known as the “Deal of the Century” with a historical view of the scene: timing, participating countries, people and alliances, and how important is this plan in the international political arena?
US President Donald Trump’s plan for Middle East peace is part of an Israeli-American attempt to remove Palestine as a political problem. The subject of American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of the embassy to Tel Aviv could be linked to the same plan.
The move was aimed at erasing the Palestinian identity of the city of Jerusalem. The Bahrain workshop (known as the Bahrain Economic Peace Conference) was held to recruit Arab public support for the idea that “the Palestine problem is only economic” and not political.
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9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
