Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
RT America Published on Aug 16, 2018 Beijing has agreed to lower-level trade talks with Washington later this month in an effort to end the worsening tariff dispute. The last round of formal trade negotiations between US and China took place in early June, and was followed by a tariff war. RT America’s Manila Chan is …
RT Published on Aug 16, 2018 A string of arson attacks has rocked Sweden, 3 weeks ahead of September elections. Three suspects have been arrested, one of them in Turkey. It’s widely thought that the timing of the fires, which appear to have been co-ordinated, was not accidental. Speculation is rife as to who carried out …
CGTN America Published on Aug 13, 2018 U.S. President Donald Trump is set to sign a more than $700 billion defense bill on Monday. end
PressTV Published on Aug 16, 2018 The US secretary of state says a special task force has been set up as part of Washington’s agenda to maximize economic and political pressure on Iran. Mike Pompeo accused Tehran of having a destabilizing behavior and said the IRAN ACTION GROUP will closely monitor the Islamic Republic’s activities. Pompeo …
RT Published on Aug 16, 2018 The US says economic sanctions against Turkey will remain in place even if Ankara releases an American pastor, whom it arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences. That’s after both sides imposed further tariffs on each other. Concerns over whether the situation has escalated too much, were raised at the US … Gerrit Aalten Published on Aug 7, 2018 The large wooden structure lies broken into mainly three large pieces beneath the surface of the glacier somewhere between the 4000 and 5000 meter level on the mountain. Remarkable and most amazing is the presence of the huge slanting wall on the left side of the passage in …
PressTV Published on Aug 16, 2018 Iran’s foreign minister urges Europe to take practical measures to preserve the 2015 nuclear deal following the US withdrawal from the agreement. Zarif said Europe has had a good performance in declaring its commitments to the agreement known as the JCPOA. The top Iranian diplomat added, the administration of US …
In Russia’s Footsteps? Turkey Dumps US Sovereign Debt as Political Rift Deepens by US Treasury reports previously showed that Russia has also drastically decreased its share in the US debt amid a deterioration of relations between the two countries and following a set of harsh sanctions imposed by Washington. – In June 2018, Turkey significantly …
Al Jazeera English Published on Aug 14, 2018 After days of heavy losses, the Turkish lira recovered some ground on Tuesday. But the row between Turkey and the United States seems to be escalating. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has now called for a boycott of American electronic products, in response to what he says is an …
Scarier More Dangerous Market Crisis Blowing Up Now – John Rubino by Greg Hunter’s Financial writer John Rubino says the currency crisis happening in Turkey is a stark reason for owning something a government can’t print more of at will. Rubino points out, “The function of gold and silver is to protect you against government mismanagement …
Fund Manager: Gold & Silver Being Hit Like In 2008 To Cover-Up Impending Global Financial Crisis by Dave Kranzler provides a very critical update today on what is going on with gold, silver, and the broader markets. Here are the details… – by Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics In 2008, gold was taken from $1020 to $700 …
ITM Trading Streamed live 5 hours ago Turkey boasts the fourteenth largest economy and they’ve had easy access to global debt markets. If that debt were issued in terms of lira, no problem, it could be paid off with cheaper lira. Unfortunately, roughly $450bn of that debt was issued in terms of other fiat currencies, with …
RT America Published on Aug 15, 2018 A new report says Russia and China are stepping up activity in the North Atlantic. This has the navy looking for ways to prepare and counter this movement. Earlier this year the US military announced a new strategy to counter China and Russia. Much of this strategy is classified …
RT Published on Aug 15, 2018 Turkey has slapped tariff hikes on certain American products including cars and alcohol. The Turkish vice president called it a response to US attacks on Turkey’s economy. READ MORE: end
This Mother of All False Flag Attacks Is the Globalist End Game for Humanity by Dave Hodges, Mike Adams and several others in the Independent Media has postulated that a major false flag will following the silencing of the Independent Media. I believe there will be a false flag to silence the alt right media. …
‘He Was Armed with Bandages’: Israeli Forces Kill Second Palestinian Paramedic During Great March of Return by Ahmad Kabariti, It seems that the killing of paramedic Razan al-Najjar in June by an Israeli snipers was not a tragic one-time occurrence. Her colleague, Abdullah al-Qatati, joined her on Friday, hours after a truce brokered by Egypt …
DAHBOO777 Published on Aug 10, 2018 Readers may recall that as part of the RIT Capital Partners 2014 annual report commentary, the scion of Rothschild family warned that “the geopolitical situation is most dangerous since WWII.” One year later, Jacob Rothschild again warned about the outcome of “what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy …
World Alternative Media Published on Aug 15, 2018 Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen as several Latin American currencies plummet! This is no surprise as all fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero as they have since 1024 AD in China every single time. Still, it’s shocking a lot …
X22Report Published on Aug 15, 2018 IMF says Spain needs 5 million migrants to pay pensions, what about all the youths that are not working. US household debt hit 13.3 trillion dollars, nothing to worry about. Retail sector rebound with a revision to last month data and the increase in gasoline price. US production slows. Why …
Russia Proposes Deal with Turkey to Ditch US Dollar for Lira-Ruble Trade Amid Currency Crisis by Moscow is still interested in trading with Ankara using the Russian ruble and Turkish lira, according to the Kremlin. Both currencies have been falling against the greenback, with lira setting new record lows every day. – “The issue of …
END GAME: Bill Murphy Says This Latest Raid On Gold & Silver May Be The End Game Scenario by There will be no more gradual rallies in gold or silver as Bill says price is going to explode spectacularly, or possibly even reset. Here’s why… Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee(GATA) interviewed on GoldSeek Radio. – Dear …