Death of U.S. Dollar as Governments Dump U.S. Debt at RECORD RATE!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] My understanding is that: all these “Zombies” meme, video games, movies(World War Z ..), TV series (the Walking Dead, iZombie … ), Pentagon Zombie Plan … is in preparation for the endtimes final 7 years. (Think: Predictive Programming) In particular this situation: – Revelation 9:4-6New King James Version (NKJV) 4 They were commanded not …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 17, 2016 On Wednesday, an Israeli court sentenced a group of Palestinian children to time in prison. The verdict comes as Israeli authorities are already criticized over ill-treatment of Palestinian kids during detention and interrogation periods. [youtube=] Modern Ashkenazi Khazars (90+% of modern Jewry) are NOT the Jews of the Bible! …
US Media Revives Concerns That Putin is Again Outmaneuvering Obama in Syria by The order from President Putin to partially withdraw from Syria came as a complete surprise to Washington and has prompted US media to speculate on the possible reasons behind this move, reviving concerns that the Russian leader is once again outmaneuvering …
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[youtube=] Published on Mar 17, 2016 OSCE reports Kiev troops at the contact line. Victoria Nuland reports that Ukraine will not change the constitution, violating the Minsk II cease fire agreement. US is now stockpiling military assets in the Pacific to respond to Russian and Chinese threats. UN and Western countries object to Israel grabbing …
Five Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind The 2011 “Protest Movement”? by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Author’s note The war on Syria started five years ago in Daraa on the 17th of March 2011. The following article first published in May 2011 examines the inception of the jihadist terrorist …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2016 France is concerned about Israel’s decision to seize large tracts of land in the occupied West Bank. The French Foreign Ministry spokesman has called the Israeli settlements in occupied territories a violation of international law. Romain Nadal says the expansion contradicts a two-state solution. The UN and the US …
‘Operation Barbarossa 2’: “Overpopulation” and the Funding of World War III by Peter Koenig, “Wars are horrible. The only good thing about wars is that they help reduce the world population.” – These are the words flung in my face not too long ago, by a person I thought was close to me. I was …
Not sure what is going on, especially with the sudden, surprise announcement of troops withdrawal from Syria by Putin. The serpents appear to be setting up their military pieces all over the world and awaiting the trigger for their Satanic WW3. Perhaps they are waiting for the activation of Operation BlackJack 2.0. This is a …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 17, 2016 Sub for more: | Sputnik reports The withdrawal of Russia’s military contingent from Syria does not have any influence on Saudi Arabia’s decision to send ground troops to the country, Saudi Arabian Defense Ministry aide Ahmed Asiri told Sputnik on Tuesday. – Saudi Decision on Troops to Syria …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 17, 2016 After all the initial Western giddiness over the partial Russian pullout from Syria & the talk of an apparent, but false, rift between Moscow & Damascus, President Putin today issued an unequivocal clarification. Russia is still to remain in the fight to defeat terrorism in Syria, & can increase …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 17, 2016 Saudi Arabia has committed another massacre against Yemeni civilians in a busy market in Hajjah province, claiming the lives of over 100 people. Press TV’s Mohammed al-Attab has gone to the scene of the airstrike and filed this report. end
Bank Of Japan Intervenes In The Market To Smash Yen After Nikkei Crashes 700 Points by Tyler Durden, Nikkei futures rallied post-Fed into the Japanese open (despite weakness in USDJPY) and then when trade data struck (and exposed the utter failure of competitive devaluation), everything went into freefall. The Nikkei crashed 700 points …
Gruesome Allegations: Israeli Forces Routinely Shoot Up Palestinian Corpses by Autopsies of those killed by Israeli defense forces reveal that Jerusalem is not only systematically executing Palestinians, but also intentionally firing rounds into corpses. – On Monday, Israeli soldiers shot and killed three Palestinians. Qassem Farid Jaber, 31, and Amir Fuad al-Juneidi, 22, were …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 14, 2016 We’ve watched the Federal Reserve provide 16 trillion dollars for bailing out banks, foreign governments, and essentially the entire global debt system…. We are on the verge of an epic currency crisis…one that could create one of the largest bubbles we’ve seen in human history. – Over the last …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2016 Kiev is continually shelling the SouthEastern area. Poroshenko confirms defense plan for countering Russia aggression. Kerry to address non fulfillment of the Minsk II ceasefire agreement.Libya’s people’s government in Tripoli warns the puppet government not to enter, they are not the government. Victoria Nuland says sanctions stay as Russia …
And this is When the Jobs “Recovery” Goes Kaboom by Wolf Richter, A party pooper showed up. The future for employment looks bright. The gig economy is firing on all cylinders. The FOMC, in its statement concerning its interest rate decision today, was practically gleeful about employment and where it’s headed: – A range of …
Japanese Exports To US Plunge Most Since 2011 As Weak Yen Tailwind Evaporates by Tyler Durden, Japan just posted its largest trade surplus in 5 years(+JPY243bn) as exports dropped 4% YoY (worse than expected) but imports fell 14.2% (better than expected). However, the biggest standout was the ongoing deterioration in Japanese exports to the …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 15, 2016 Bestselling author Jim Rickards sits down with Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough to discuss his new book “The New Case for Gold” and why a cocktail of factors makes it more critical than ever for investors to protect their portfolios with gold. end
[youtube=] Michael Pento: Record Swings of Deflation and Inflation Coming. Global Currency Depreciation Derby-Gold Big Winner by Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says the Fed and other global central banks are “not going to stop manipulating the markets.” Pento explains, “There is no escape from the manipulation by central banks and manipulation of asset prices. …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2016 A special warfare exercise across parts of Texas and the nation will bring civilian role players acting as journalists, government officials and “guerrilla-chiefs.” The U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16) is scheduled in at least three Texas counties for March through June 2016. It may …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2016 Kurds want lands they control in Syria to become federation under Damascus, according to local media reports and RT’s sources on the ground. READ MORE: end
[youtube=] Published on Mar 16, 2016 A senior Israeli politician is calling for the disintegration of Jerusalem al-Quds in an attempt to Judaize the occupied Palestinian city. Isaac Herzog says Israel will lose the city if Palestinian-populated neighborhoods are not separated. He has already proposed a plan to build a massive fence separating the Israeli and …