Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] Published on Mar 14, 2014 Is it possible to return to the February 21 agreement? What role does NATO play in the Ukrainian conflict? What is Putin’s solution for Ukraine? And can there be a compromise between Russia and the US? CrossTalking with John Feffer, Ivan Eland and Jon Hellevig. end
How do you unite many people, countries, cultures, languages … into a One World System, One World Government, Luciferian New World Order? Historically, if you cannot unite disparate people via common interests, you unite them via a Common Enemy! To conglomerate thousands of nations, countries, tribes … into fewer and fewer nations and finally into …
7 Drugs Whose Dangerous Risks Emerged Only After Big Pharma Made Its Money! by Martha Rosenberg, A settlement for death or injuries down the road is just the cost of doing business. – Have you ever noticed how warnings about dangerous prescription drugs always seem to surface after the drug is no longer marketed and …
The Tiger Awakens: China Warns of “Retaliatory Action” and “Unforeseeable Consequences” Over U.S. Monday Deadline! by Mac Slavo, March 14th, 2014, Yesterday Secretary of State and flip-flopper extraordinaire John Kerry advised Russia that Vladimir Putin has until Monday to pull back his forces from Ukraine. Failure to do so would lead to serious repercussions. Kerry …
[youtube=] The Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing & Much More! by Dave Hodges, The Malaysian airplane is not missing. It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be. Also, with regard to the 80,000 Russian troops poised to invade Ukraine and with NATO moving forces into Norway, there is a war that could …
[youtube=] It would not surprise anyone following the real news. The western Illuminati have been attacking Russia financially by attacking the Russian Ruble and the Russian stock market. Russian stocks slid as much as 5 percent on Friday. See also: – Russia is already paying a heavy price for intervening in Ukraine, Western officials said …
[youtube=] The 80,000 figure is highly suspect IMO. However, Putin is known to be a man of action. Remember 2008: South Ossetia and Abkhazia! He is decisive and swift to employ troops. The fear is that the western Illuminati may employ a false flag attack to ignite the situation in East Ukraine and blame the …
[youtube=] Americans Sick and Tired of Wars for the Global Elite! by Kurt Nimmo, Establishment apologists step up to dismiss George Washington’s warning – “The poll reflects a war-weary American public that is still very reticent to get involved in international conflicts,” reports The Washington Post. “The American people were similarly opposed to military intervention …
Insane Obama Issues More Threats Against Russia! by Barack Obama’s statements following his meeting with the Nazi-backed rump Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on March 12 are further evidence that the U.S. president must be removed from office now. As the Lyndon LaRouche PAC press release stated on March 6, – “With his dictatorial …
Obama Regime’s Hypocrisy Sets New World Record ! by Paul Craig Roberts, From the moment that Washington launched its orchestrated coup in Kiev, Washington has been accusing Russia of “intervening in Ukraine.” This propaganda ploy succeeded. The Western presstitute media reported (nonexistent) Russian intervention to the exclusion of coverage of Washington’s obvious intervention. – …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 12, 2014 The new, interim government in Ukraine is violating human rights and oppressing national minorities, a Poland-based non-governmental organization said, adding that the actions of the Maidan leaders would be considered illegal in most European Union countries. Russia suggests setting up a probe to investigate crimes perpetrated by extremist and armed …
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[youtube=] Published on Mar 13, 2014 John McAfee tells Alex Jones the shocking truth about all the apps we are carrying around with us on our smartphones. He details the ways in which agencies and companies are spying on us with impunity. end
Who’s Who in Ukraine’s New “Semi-fascist” Government: Meet the People the U.S. and EU are Supporting! by Brian Becker, The U.S. and European Union countries played a key role in the overthrow of the elected government in the Ukraine headed by Victor Yanukovych and the Party of Regions. Listening to the politicians in Washington or …
[youtube=] British Conservative party MP Brooks Newmark is lying and spewing western propaganda! Who is the brains behind this? Zbig Brzezinski (Committee of 300)! – The Grand Chessboard is a strategic plan to secure US world domination by encircling Russia/China. For this purpose, the domination of central Asia is a must. The plan was launched …
EU agrees on travel bans and asset freezes for Russians in response to Ukraine crisis! by End the Lie The European Union agreed on a framework for their first round of sanctions on Russia since the Cold War in response to the situation in Crimea, including bans on travel and asset freezes on certain people …
China Warns West Not To Enforce Sanctions Against Russia! by Tyler Durden, “Sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences,” warns China’s envoy to Germany adding that “we don’t see any point in sanctions.” On the heels of Merkel’s warning that Russia risked “massive” political and economic …
[youtube=] The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads! by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, Violence and bloodshed continues to rock Ukraine as factions compete in the power vacuum of last month’s coup in Kiev. As the country struggles to find its way forward, however, it finds itself …