Richard Wolff: US is in Serious Trouble!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Do not listen to all the talking heads with their delusional happy talk. “Everything will be ok, they will resolve all problems!” Things are not ok and are getting worse by the day! This sovereign debt bomb can explode at any time and bring the world to its knees! (emphasis mine) – Sovereign Debt Blows …
Gold is money for 5000+ years. Many empires and their currencies have come and gone. But gold still remains as money. Don’t believe a word Ben ‘Gold Is Not Money’ Bernanke says. He is the chairman of the largest Illuminist central bank in the world: the FedRes. His job is too push fiat currencies and …
The Illuminists know that the return to gold is inevitable. They regard gold as real money. Don’t be deceived: I believe most of the gold are held in Illuminists’ hands. What they do not want: is the lost of their global fiat currency hegemony. They want a managed collapse of the global monetary system to bring in …
We are getting pretty close to a global financial meltdown. You should have no difficulty in visualizing it by now. When the sovereign debt bomb blows, it will spread from the PIIGS to the rest of Eurozone, to UK, Japan and finally America. The rest of the world will also tank because globalization has made the world …
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[youtube=] It is difficult to determine what games these politician snakes and their Illuminist masters are playing. They may bring the US to the brink of default. They may drag this beyond 2 August and cut off social security and other unfunded liabilities’ payment and just pay the interest on debts. This will cause an …
[youtube=] This statement of “America’s ‘AAA’ rating at risk” by Moody’s must be seen in context. Any rating agency who dares to downgrade America has many double barrel shot guns pointing at their heads. So why did Moody’s make such a statement? I believe the Illuminists have brought forward their schedule for the economic collapse of …
James Turk is correct. You can trust him on this. He is a straight shooter! – James Turk: Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat Currency Graveyard Interview by Chris Martenson PhD, Money printing will resume after a short pause Chris Martenson: … So, short-term, what I’m really interested in here is to start diving …
Gold is on a tear this week. The price of gold is a calamity indicator. The higher the price is, the market is signalling fear and trepidation. All eyes are on the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Will the dominoes start to fall soon, in autumn or ??? There is nothing else needed for a catastrophic …
The Eurozone experiment is coming to an end. The Illuminist plan is for a global monetary crisis. All major fiat currencies will be under attack and collapse. With their collapse, the minor currencies will not survive too. Thereafter, in the midst of the great chaos they will create, the Illuminists will introduce their One World Currency and …
The market is sensing severe danger dead ahead and are reacting accordingly. Make sure you take precautions for this crisis. The PIIGS will default and bring down the entire Eurozone. It is a matter of when? The timeline is at most a year. It could also be any day now! When this crisis comes, it …
The Illuminists are simply buying time and lining up all the dominoes for a catastrophic sovereign debt crisis collapse. All fiat currencies are in danger. Gold is hitting record highs in Euro, UKP, USD and in many other currencies. The smart money is fleeing fiat currencies into hard assets like gold/silver. Both precious metals are starting …
If you believe all these ratings agencies you are going to lose a ton of money. Will they ever rate America correctly as junk! Of course not! Their heads will be at the ends of many double barrel shot guns. All the PIIGS are junk. You don’t need to be a genius to figure it …
[youtube=] Ben Bernanke Makes Insane Comments On Gold By Lee Rogers,, Ben Bernanke who today was testifying in front of a Congressional Committee made the assertion that gold is not money during an exchange with Congressman Ron Paul. – He even went as far to say that central banks only hold gold because …
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[youtube=] YouTube: This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on declaring war on rating agencies and buying refrigerators to save the economy. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Professor Emeritus, Guy McPherson, who has exited empire to build a post-carbon community. end
The world financial system is heading for collapse! The US will default on its debts. The question is by which method: an outright declaration of refusal to pay or a stealth default via money printing (QE)? If the politician snakes choose the first method, the banking system (banksters) will collapse. The US economy will go …
Ireland will default on it debts, this is an absolute certainty. Do not buy into all these political theatre by Illuminist banksters. Who owns these rating agencies. They were complicit/guilty in rating junk derivatives (MBS, ABS…) as investment grade which resulted in the 2007-2008 sub-prime mortgage disaster and crash! – Ireland Cut to Junk Rating by Moody’s By Daniel …
Do you believe the illusion the Illuminist MSM is selling you? The banksters (posing as saviors) are trying their very best to rescue the system to help the people. You should support them. It is the evil speculators who are crashing the market. It is the irresponsible, greedy sheeple who is at fault and refuse …
I have warned repeatedly about the plans of the Illuminist snakes. They want to lay the foundation for the coming of their ‘messiah’, the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace! To achieve this goal, their plans are as follows: – 1. Global economic, financial and monetary collapse (starting autumn 2011?) 2. Global chaos, famine, social …