Biden GREEN LIGHTS Israel Invasion of Lebanon
- This is political theatre!! No disagreement between both sides. They are just playing ‘Good Cop’, ‘Bad Cop’. The ‘Good Cop’ USA-Pentagram is the one that is driving this coming Greater Middle East War. Zionist Israel the ‘Bad Cop’, is the subordinate order taker. It is Washington DC, the City of 7 Hills that is driving the whole world towards Nuclear WW3, based on Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3 plan.
- Note: The Synagogue of Satan is about to execute their Alien Invasion Satanic HOAX on an unsuspecting world and Christian Church. This is (IMO) the endtimes strong delusion of 2 Thess. 2:9-12. It will be after quite a few nuclear bombs have gone off. I don’t mean the low yield tactical nuclear bombs. I mean the larger yield ones, at least larger than Horoshima/Nagasaki (ie. > 10-20KTons). [It will be interesting to see how the vWacxinated sheeple with the implanted BlueTooth ID, react to the sound, images, ‘Voice of God’ … beam directly into them via the 5G network, during this coming Event.]