The Star of David: The Star of Remphan || An Occult Satanic Symbol
- If a nation flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag, is it of God or Satan? Obviously, Satan.
If an Army flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram flag, is it an Army of God or Satan? Obviously, Satan.
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- Star Of Remphan: Bible meaning Explained Easily (7:43)
The Star Of Remphan
Stephen, at the time of his death – before he was martyred, mentioned Remphan as the subject of idolatrous worship. In the new testament (Acts 7 vs. 43 – 54), he condemned the idolatry behavior that the jews had taken upon themselves. Even though there are wide variations of the name – such as Molech, they are all referring to the same God.
Stephen had been taken to answer the charges leveled against him before the Sanhedrin – he was caught teaching people what God had said about the temple being destroyed, and how the laws of Moses had changed. He was going through how the children of Israel had sinned and backslid from the original promises given to Abraham (Acts 7 vs. 2 – 8), and adding to their transgressing of the law; they had become idolaters.
Going on, he referred to their idols – the star of Remphan inclusive as what they carry around in small ceremonial boxes – in the shapes of tabernacles, and they carry it everywhere, be it on a journey, to a waterfront, everywhere. This mostly intended it to be a form or type of idolatry (Exodus 20 vs. 4).
Due to their worship of these idols – Star of Remphan and co, Stephen called all of them stiff-necked, as it was a sign of refusal to bow before God due to their pride, uncircumcised, and he went greatly against all they believed, which angered them furiously in return. Later on, their years of frolicking with idols while turning away from God caught up with them as God destroyed their temple just as Jesus and Stephen foretold.
What Does The Star of Remphan Look Like?
It has many names, but the right reference is when it is commonly referred to as the “seal of Solomon.” It features a six-pointed hexagram star that is comprised of two equilateral triangles that are overlaid.
As it appears on many Jewish things, it is closely linked to being Jewish -as it appears on the flag of the state of Israel, synagogues, tombstones, jewelry, and a range of many other Jewish items. There is no scriptural reference to this symbol, but if you have seen the Israeli flag, you would have seen what the star of Rempahn looked like.
Brief Examination of The Star of Remphan
This star is not a symbol that exclusively belongs to the Jews. It has appeared in various cultures and practices that date back to before Jesus was born. It has been used by Buddhists, FreeMasons, Hindus, Kabbalah, The occultic, worship of Saturn, and majorly Witchcraft.
The versatility of the star of Remphan – usage by many groups termed evil and devilish, has made it a symbol that Christians don’t want to be associated with, as they believe it is a symbol of the anti-christ. For a reason, this theory might be correct. Let’s look at its characteristics and how they apply to suit this narrative below.
As we have briefly explained above, the star of Remphan consists of two overlaid equilateral triangles. The mathematical property of an equilateral triangle is that the sum of its three angles is equal to 180, i.e., all angles are 60 each. Two triangles that are 180 each would give us 360 (180 + 180 = 360). When you omit the 0 in 360, you have 36, which some people think means 3 6’s, i.e., 666 – the mark of the antichrist. And if you add numbers from 1 up to 36, it will give you a sum of 666.
This symbol has been used as a talisman to conjure up evil spirits in the use of magic and many more. This supports the idea that these factions have that it is a symbol Christians, in general, should not relate themselves to, as it is a direct attack to imitate the cross’s influence while violating God’s law laid down for us concerning idolatry.
Why Is The Star Considered Evil?
There are many arguments as to why this symbol should be considered evil or otherwise. Some consider it just a seal for the Jewish people and not a religious symbol. However, some elements of the symbol have stoked the fire of it being considered evil. You can keep reading to find out more below.
The Hexagram
Considered to be associated with witchcraft, occult, and everything demonology right from time, this shape has fallen under scrutiny. It was used in some of the ancient occult to offer a portal/channel dark spirit and forces with their demonic energy, and only people who had given themselves over to dark forces could cast it.
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9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.