Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Is this the Smoking Gun for the Covid Lab Leak? Blueprint for Creating a ‘SARS-CoV’ Virus With an Altered Spike Protein in Wuhan Was Published in 2018, Bombshell New Records Show by ALEXA LARDIERI U.S. DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * American and Chinese scientists proposed experimenting with spike proteins * Ultimately, it was not …
MUST SEE: Journalist @cosgrove_iv presses pro-Israel Congressmen about Benjamin Netanyahu & the Israeli government's long history of propping up Hamas “Shouldn't you look into this BEFORE we send billions of dollars over to Israel?” Ft. @ScottHortonShow & @ComicDaveSmith — Decensored News (@decensorednews) December 12, 2023 Watch: Pro-Israel Congressmen Confronted Over Israel’s History Of Propping-Up …
Looming Digital Gulag: European Union’s Terrifying Digital ID Plan Exposed by Amy Mek, “This is exactly the dystopia that George Orwell described in his novel 1984, which we are moving into today.” – Dominik Kettner – The European Union’s plan to introduce a Digital ID system, in conjunction with a digital euro and electronic … Destroying Farmland to Reduce Population by Martin Armstrong, Everywhere you look, there is this scheme to reduce farming, which will reduce population. That was the whole theory of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) that the population would surpass the ability to grow food. That is the agenda. Wind generators or solar panels consume one-third of …
Israeli Government Propagandist WRECKED Over Oct. 7 ‘Intelligence Failure’ Narrative by TDB, Armageddon Prose, via Tal Heinrich, “spokesperson” (the HR term for credentialed propagandist), appeared for a PR job on MSNBC, at which time she was made to earn her paycheck. Given the usual kid gloves with which Israeli government propagandists are used to …
"What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality…up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries." -Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation vaccine scientist @GVDBossche on VSRF LIVE. — Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (@VacSafety) December 15, 2023 From last night’s VSRF LIVE. Watch the full …
Iran: 70% of Gas Stations Out of Service Due to Cyber Attack – Israeli Hackers Claimed Responsibility by A cyberattack caused chaos in the operation of gas stations. Nearly 70% of gas stations in Iran have been shut down, according to the Iranian energy minister. According to Tehran’s semi-official Fars news agency, these disruptions …
Netanyahu in 2019: Israel Must ‘Support and Transfer Money to Hamas’ by Armageddon Prose TDB, Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever …