Day 66 of Gaza Genocide: 24,142 DEAD; 9420 Children

9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
- Day 66 of Gaza Genocide: 24,142 DEAD; 9420 Children
December 11, 2023 is Day 66 of the Israel-Hamas conflict and the death toll among civilians is staggering. 24,142 are dead, including those missing and presumed dead beneath the rubble of bombed buildings. 9,420 of the dead are children. Of the 24,142 dead, 22,320 are non-Hamas Civilians.
In addition to the dead, there are confirmed injured of 48,901. Of Gaza’s population which was 2.3 Million at the start of hostilities, 1,840,000 are now “Displaced.” Of the housing units in Gaza, 62,840 housing units are now destroyed. Another 171,220 housing units are partially destroyed. Of the schools in Gaza, 282 are Damaged. Of the Commercial or Industrial buildings in Gaza (Stores, warehouses, factories), 1312 are now completely destroyed. Of Houses of Worship in Gaza, 134 Mosques and 3 Churches are now damaged or destroyed. Of the hospitals and clinics in Gaza, 131 have been targeted by Israel and are either partially damaged or outright destroyed. Of the media, 163 media outlet offices or studios are damaged or destroyed and 81 Journalists have been killed.
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9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.